目录 Figures Tables Abbreviations 1 Introduction 2 Unaccusative verbs and psych verbs 2.1 Unaccusative verbs and causatiity 2.2 Psych verbs and causativitv 2.3 Summary 3 Resultative and compound causative constructions 3.1 Resultative constructions in English 3.2 Resultative and compound causative constructions in Chinese 3.3 Resultative and compound causative constructions in Japanese 3.4 Resultative and compound causative constructions in Korean 3.5 Sumary 4 Second language acquisition and causativity 4.1 A brief review of SLA studies 4.2 SLA studies of causativity 4.3 Sumary 5 Research methodology of the present study 5.1 Causativity in Chinese,English,Japanese and Korean 5.2 Research questions and hypotheses 5.3 Participants 5.4 Procedures and Instruments 5.5 Sumary 6 Results and discussion:psych verbs and unaccusative verbs 7 Results and discussion:resultative and compound causative constructions 8 Representations of causativity in L2 Chinese:summary,implication and conclusion References Appendixes