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Overview (概论)
We hope you will enjoy using this book, and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IELTS writing test. This book covers the following points:
Grammar—this matches to ‘Grammar’ in the IELTS marking criteria.
Useful and common grammar that you will need to successfully complete both Task 1 and Task 2 IELTS writing scripts:
For example:
Linking Ideas and Organising your Writing – this matches to ‘Coherence’ in the IELTS marking criteria.
For example:
Vocabulary – this matches to ‘Vocabulary’ in the IELTS marking criteria.
Useful and common words for both Task 1 and Task 2 writing:
Content and language for common IELTS topics – this matches to ‘Task Achievement’ in IELTS Task 1 marking criteria and ‘Task Response’ in Task 2 marking criteria.
Work hard, practise at home, enjoy your study and succeed in the IELTS writing test! 序一: Dear Student
Welcome to this New Oriental IELTS preparation course and the Writing Book in particular.
IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is one of the world’s most popular English language tests for entry into university or higher education where English is the language of communication. In other words, it is your academic passport!
One of the most difficult challenges you will face in Academic Writing Test is being able to respond to the Task 1 and the Task 2 questions appropriately. In this book you will be guided to produce the kind of writing that is required.
Grammar is very important. You will learn the most common verbs and how to use them as well as the correct grammatical structures for the various language functions that you will need to answer Task 1 (comparing, contrasting, etc) and Task 2 (evaluating, discussing, giving opinions, etc).
You will learn how to link your ideas together fluently and how to organise your writing into coherent paragraphs.
Specific vocabulary is targeted for Task 1 to enable you to write about data, trends and changes. In addition, typical vocabulary related to common Task 2 topics is introduced.
As you work through this book you will become aware of how to respond appropriately, accurately and relevantly to the requirements set out in the different IELTS writing tasks.
Congratulations on choosing to study IELTS with New Oriental where the teaching team will be helping you to develop confidence and the ability to communicate in English with greater fluency.
Ready? Let’s go!
Rod Ellis 第二语言教学之父 “Task Base”教学法创始人 序二: Dear Student,
Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.
This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation between New Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTS training materials. We believe it offers a different approach, with the following features:
First of all, the language used is likely what you will encounter in a real classroom or work setting while living abroad. The setting of each dialogue is also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by native speakers in their own country.
Also, under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis, our partner international research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuring the intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
And most importantly, this book incorporates ten years of IELTS training experience by the very best teachers at New Oriental, and therefore has been customized to suit the needs of Chinese students.
I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teachers can make your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding. Enjoy your learning time with New Oriental!
Unit 0 Introduction 2 Unit 1 Fast Food 10 Unit 2 Sport 18 Unit 3 Media 26 Unit 4 Youth Issues: Computer Use 34 Unit 5 Education: Study Abroad 42 Unit 6 Advertising 50 Unit 7 Education: Schools 58 Unit 8 Environment 66 Unit 9 Food 74 Unit 10 Censorship 82 Unit 11 Transport 90 Unit 12 Leisure Activities 98 Unit 13 Technology 106 Unit 14 Money and Finance 114 Unit 15 Youth Issues 122 Unit 16 Commodities and Manufactured Goods 130 Unit 17 Social Issues: Population 138 Unit 18 International Events 146 Unit 19 Technology: Communication 154 Unit 20 Environment: Tourism 162 Vocabulary Bank 170 Answer Key 173 |
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