弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷(约1483 至1494 - 1553) 是文艺复兴时期的法国作家。同时他也是医生,人文主义积极倡导者。当然他为重要的身份是僧侣和希腊语初学者。人们一般地都把他看作幻想小说作家、讽刺小说作者。他曾创作过不少粗俗的甚至不堪入耳的段子以及下流歌曲,当然,他为世人所熟悉的文学作品,就是眼前这部《巨人传》。这部书的出版,奠定了拉伯雷在世界文学史上的重要地位,人们都将其看成是世界文学重要的作家之一,现代欧洲文学的开启者。他的姓氏“拉伯雷”甚至被用来当作形容词来使用,以表达对他的敬佩。“拉伯雷的,拉伯雷式”的意义被权威词典界定为:“具有极大幽默感的,大胆自然主义描写的”。
The Authors Prologue
CHAPTER 4.I.-How Pantagruel went to sea to visitthe oracle of Bacbuc, alias the Holy Bottle.
CHAPTER 4.II.-How Pantagruel bought many rarities in the island of Medamothy.
CHAPTER 4.III.-How Pantagruel received a letter from his father Gargantua, and of the strange way to have speedy news from far distant places.
CHAPTER 4.IV.-How Pantagruel writ to his father Gargantua, and sent him several curiosities.
CHAPTER 4.V.-How Pantagruel met a ship with passengers returning from Lanternland.
CHAPTER 4.VI.-How, the fray being over, Panurge cheapened one of Dingdongs sheep.
CHAPTER 4.VII.-Which if you read youll find how Panurge bargained with Dingdong.
CHAPTER 4.VIII.-How Panurge caused Dingdong and his sheep to be drowned in the sea.
CHAPTER 4.IX.-How Pantagruel arrived at the island of Ennasin, and of the strange ways of being akin in that country.
CHAPTER 4.X.-How Pantagruel went ashore at the island of Chely, where he saw King St. Panigon.
CHAPTER 4.XI.-Why monks love to be in kitchens.
CHAPTER 4.XII.-How Pantagruel passed by the land of Pettifogging, and of the strange way of living among the Catchpoles.
CHAPTER 4.XIII.-How, like Master Francis Villon, the Lord of Basche commended his servants.
CHAPTER 4.XIV.-A further account of catchpoles who were drubbed at Basches house.
CHAPTER 4.XV.-How the ancient custom at nuptials is renewed by the catchpole.
CHAPTER 4.XVI.-How Friar John made trial of the nature of the catchpoles.
CHAPTER 4.XVII.-How Pantagruel came to the islands of Tohu and Bohu; and of the strange death
弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷(约1483 至1494 - 1553) 是文艺复兴时期的法国作家。同时他也是医生,人文主义积极倡导者。当然他为重要的身份是僧侣和希腊语初学者。人们一般地都把他看作幻想小说作家、讽刺小说作者。他曾创作过不少粗俗的甚至不堪入耳的段子以及下流歌曲,当然,他为世人所熟悉的文学作品,就是眼前这部《巨人传》。这部书的出版,奠定了拉伯雷在世界文学史上的重要地位,人们都将其看成是世界文学重要的作家之一,现代欧洲文学的开启者。他的姓氏“拉伯雷”甚至被用来当作形容词来使用,以表达对他的敬佩。“拉伯雷的,拉伯雷式”的意义被权威词典界定为:“具有极大幽默感的,大胆自然主义描写的”。