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作者韩国巴克达语言教育中心 著
Introduction to TOEFL iBT
TOEFL iBT (Internet-based TOEFL) is designed to measur ehow well non-native speakers of English read, listen, speak and write in English. The test has four sections; reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Each section of the test is worth 30 points and the highest possible score on the iBT is 120 points (30 points x 4 sections). Most questions are worth 1 point each, but some of the questions in each section are worth more than 2 points.
For more information, visit the ETS website (www.ets.org).
About TOEFL iBT Writing Section
In the writing section, there are two different types of tasks. Therefore, test takers will be asked to complete two tasks in 50 minutes. The first is an integrated task, in which the test-taker is required to write a summary based on the reading and the listening. The second is an independent task that involves only writing.
It is also important to know the description of each task in order to understand the point.
To write the essay for the integrated and the independent tasks effectively, test-takers need to be able to combine note taking, outlining, paraphrasing, and citing.
Winning TOEFL Writing
It consists of eight units and an actual test. Each unit is divided into two tasks; an integrated task and an independent task. Each task in every unit is classified in a different color. The integrated task is in green and the independent task is in orange. Both tasks include a practice question and a test. This book is for beginner-level students, so it is easier than the original passages seen on the actual TOEFL.
Each unit includes two tasks and these tasks consist of three big sections individually. Each section has the following sub-sections:
Target TOEFL iBT Question
This part introduces the types of question students will deal with in each unit. The units focus on the following types of TOEFL iBT writing questions:
Integrated Task
(1), (2) Get Started / Get Ready to Write
These parts function as a warming-up activity. This helps students picture which subject is going to be dealt with and understand new words, expressions, and their synonyms, which will be useful for paraphrasing.
(3) Let's Read
Students are required to read a passage and take notes. These activities are intended to help students work towards creating an ideal summary.
(4) Let's Listen
Learners are asked to do dictation and note taking as they listen to a lecture. These activities are intended to help students work towards creating an ideal summary.
(5) Write It Out
This is the final step in the Practice section. Students are asked to write a summary using the notes and paraphrasing tips practiced previously for the reading and the listening. The frame of a summary guides students as they write a summary.
Independent Task
(1), (2) Get Started / Get Ready to Write
These parts function as a warming-up activity where students can learn essential words or expressions and their alternatives. Also, learners are asked for their own opinions about some light questions that are related to the topic of an TOEFL iBT question.
(3) Write It Out
In order to answer the TOEFL iBT question, students are asked to match ideas logically to complete an outline. The frame of an essay guides students as they write a complete essay.
Students are given an TOEFL iBT question whose topic is similar to the one that they practiced previously. Provided with useful tips, test takers are encouraged to make an outline and create their own essay. Then, students can check their essays against the sample essays.
Actual Test
One set of actual test, one integrated task and one independent task, is provided. In the test, learners can check their overall understanding of the TOEFL iBT writing they were introduced to in previous units. The test passages are slightly more difficult than thepassages in each unit.
Unit 01 Food Science
Integrated GM Food
Independent Food Made in a Restaurant vs. Homemade Food
Unit 02 Health
Integrated Obesity
Independent Fast-Food Sales
Unit 03 Zoology
Integrated Fish Farming
Independent The Purpose of a Zoo
Unit 04 International Relation
Integrated Poverty
Independent Foreign Aid
Unit 05 Sociology
Integrated Exploding World Population
Independent An Extended Family vs. A Nuclear Family
Unit 06 Mystery
Integrated Crop Circles
Independent Science Fiction
Unit 07 Environment
Integrated Biofules
Independent The Earth and Human Activities
Unit 08 Technology
Integrated Online Shopping
Independent Printed Books vs. E-Books
Check-Up Grammar
Actual Test
Answer Keys & Listening Script
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