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序 言“旅游消费者行为”作为旅游管理类专业的核心课程,自开设以来,在教材建设方面已经取得了很大的成就。国内各层次各类型比较成熟和常用的教材已有十余种之多。与教材建设相配套的课程建设、师资队伍建设等均已有比较完善的体系。但当检索相关英文教材信息时可以发现,以“旅游消费者行为”为书名的教材比较少见。仅有的个别英文教材多成书于数年前,且动态更新不足。大多数英文教材只是将旅游消费者行为作为消费者行为的一个子集进行教学设计。尽管旅游消费者确为消费者中的一类群体,但由于旅游消费和旅游产品的特殊性,特别是我国有很多借助于数字化平台而形成的旅游新业态在以英语为母语的国家中并不多见,所以出版英文版的《旅游消费者行为》教材就显得很有必要了。借助双语版的教材,不仅可以补充此类教材在英文出版物中的不足,而且可以更好地让以英语为母语的国家的读者学习和了解中国不同于其他国家的旅游业态和消费者行为,从而鼓励这些读者转变为来华游客,来中国感受不同的旅游文化,获得不同的旅游体验。史达2023年3月19日Preface“Tourism Consumer Behavior”, a core course required for tourism management major, since its inception, has made significant improvements in textbook development. There have been dozens of well?developed and frequently adopted textbooks written to meet various needs available in the country. A better system for relevant course and faculty development has also taken shape in line with textbook development. Despite all these, it is rare to identify the book titled “Tourism Consumer Behavior” when searching textbooks. Only some were written in English years ago and have not been updated in a timely manner. Tourism Consumer Behavior was represented in most English textbooks only as a subordinate topic of consumer behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to publish the textbook Tourism Consumer Behavior in English, although tourism consumers belong to consumers in a general sense. It is, however, worth a try when we take stock of the uniqueness of tourism consumption and products, especially in China, where a nascent tourism industry fostered by digital platforms is gaining momentum, which is not yet common in English?speaking countries. In addition to bridging the gap in this publication field, this textbook will help readers from English?speaking countries learn and better understand the distinctive business situation and consumer behavior in tourism here in China. We expect that these readers could also be encouraged by this textbook to visit China, immerse themselves in a different culture and obtain different experiences as a tourist.Shi DaMarch 19, 2023
“旅游消费者行为”是*高校旅游管理类专业教学指导委员会指定的四门核心主干课程之一。作为该课程的配套教材,本书旨在融合经济学、心理学和社会学等多学科理论,对影响旅游消费者决策行为的内部因素和外部环境进行了分析。同时,为了贴合实践,本书还结合旅游消费者购买活动的全过程,对购买前的沟通、购买的决策过程和购买后的反馈环节等进行了分析。本书的设计坚持以学生为本,并采用数字化的方式,在教材体例、课程资源、课后习题等各方面均为学生的学习提供*大的支持。本书不仅有助于旅游管理类专业的学生掌握旅游者在消费过程中的心理及行为产生、发展的规律,也能帮助旅游业从业者提高经营活动的科学性和服务水平。Introduction“Tourism Consumer Behavior” is one of the four core courses required by the Advisory Committee of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education on the major of tourism management. As a supporting textbook for the course, this book aims to integrate theories of economics, psychology and sociology, aiming to analyze internal factors and external environment that affect behavior of consumers in tourism. Trying not to stay away from practice, this book takes a closer look at and analyzes the consumer buying process: communication before buying, decision?making process, and feedback after buying. The design of this book is student?centered, providing as much support as possible to students in learning with a digital textbook format, digital course materials and exercises. This book is expected not only to facilitate students majoring in tourism management to gain insights into the rules that how consumers think and behave in tourism consumption but also to help people from the industry improve their business performance and service.
史达,男,经济学博士,教授,博士生导师。东北财经大学萨里国际学院院长。英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者,加拿大西安大略大学访问学者。霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师奖获得者。先后担任国家自然科学基金项目主持人、国家社会科学基金项目主持人,中国旅游协会旅游教育分会副会长,*高校旅游管理类专业教学指导委员会委员。辽宁省旅游管理类专业教学指导委员会主任。《旅游科学》编委会成员,《旅游研究》编委会成员。在International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research,Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,Journal of Destination Marketing and Management,《南开管理评论》《财贸经济》《政治学研究》《旅游学刊》等SSCI和CSSCI期刊发表论文30余篇,主持编写《辽宁省文化和旅游建设标准体系建设指南》等多项省(市)级地方标准。
Chapter 1 Introduction /001
1.1 What is tourism consumer behavior? /002
1.1.1 The Features of Tourism Consumption /003
1.1.2 The Definition of Tourism Consumer Behavior /004
1.1.3 The Elements of Tourism Consumer Behavior /005
1.1.4 How Tourism Consumer Behavior Changed over the Time /007
1.2 How to learn tourism consumer behavior? /011
1.2.1 The Theories Apply to Tourism Consumer Behavior /011
1.2.2 The Approaches to Explore Tourism Consumer Behavior /017
1.2.3 The Factors that Influence the Tourism Consumer Behavior /020
1.3 Why the understanding of tourism consumer behavior is
important? /023
1.3.1 Government Perspective /024
1.3.2 Business Perspective /024
1.3.3 Community Perspective /025
Chapter 2 Tourism Consumer Perception /027
2.1 Tourism Consumer Sensation /029
2.1.1 The Meaning and Category of Tourism Consumer Sensation /029
2.1.2 The Characteristics of Tourism Consumer Sensation /033
2.2 Tourism Consumer Perception /034
2.2.1 The Meaning of Tourism Consumer Perception: Perception
Versus Sensation /034
2.2.2 The Characteristics of Tourism Consumer Perception /035
2.3 Impact Factors and Process of Tourism Consumer Perception /039
2.3.1 Impact Factors of Tourism Consumer Perception /039
2.3.2 Impact Process of Tourism Consumer Perception /043
2.4 Tourism Consumer Destination Perception /044
2.4.1 Tourism Consumer Perception of the Tourist Destination Image /044
2.4.2 Tourism Consumer Perception of the Tourist Destination Elements /046
2.4.3 Tourism Consumer Perception of the Travel Distance and Risk /048
2.5 Marketing Strategy Based on Tourism Consumer Perception /050
2.5.1 Brand Marketing /051
2.5.2 Tourism Experience Marketing /051
2.5.3 Embedded Advertising /052
Chapter 3 Learning and Memory /054
3.1 Learning /055
3.1.1 The Nature of Tourism Consumer Learning /055
3.1.2 Learning Theory and Application in Tourism /057
3.1.3 The Content of Tourism Consumer Learning /063
3.2 Tourism Memory /065
3.2.1 The Role of Memory in Learning /065
3.2.2 The Memory System /065
3.2.3 The Formation and Characteristics of Tourism Memory /067
3.2.4 Memory Interference and Distortion /072
Chapter 4 Motivation /074
4.1 Tourism Need /075
4.1.1 Overview of Need /076
4.1.2 Theoretical Views of Need Related to Tourism /077
4.1.3 Definition and Characteristics of Tourism Need /079
4.1.4 Models of Tourism Need /080
4.2 Tourism Motivation /082
4.2.1 Definition and Forming of Tourism Motivation /082
4.2.2 Characteristics of Tourism Motivation /084
4.2.3 Theoretical Views of Motivation /087
4.2.4 Classic Theories of Tourism Motivation /089
4.3 Influencing Factors of Tourism Motivation /092
4.3.1 Psychological Factors /092
4.3.2 Objective Factors /093
4.3.3 External Factors /095
4.4 Tourism Demand /096
4.4.1 Definition of Tourism Demand /097
4.4.2 Influencing Factors of Tourism Demand /097
4.4.3 Objective Obstacles to Realizing Tourism Demand /098
Chapter 5 Attitude and Emotion /101
5.1 Chapter Introduction /102
5.2 Attitude /103
5.2.1 Tourist Attitude /103
5.2.2 Tourist Attitude Components /104
5.2.3 The Multiattribute Attitude Model /105
5.2.4 The ABC Model of Attitudes /106
5.2.5 Tourist Attitudes and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) /107
5.2.6 Types of Tourism and Tourist Attitudes /109
5.2.7 Tourism and Changing Tourists’ Attitudes /114
5.3 Emotion and Tourism /116
5.3.1 Tourists’ Emotions /116
5.3.2 Tourists’ Emotions and Destination Marketing /117
5.3.3 Types of Emotions /118
5.3.4 The Cognitive Appraisal Theory in Tourism /123
Chapter 6 Tourism Consumer Personality /126
6.1 What is the tourist personality? /127
6.1.1 The Definition of the Tourist Personality /127
6.1.2 The Features of the Tourist Personality /128
6.1.3 The Inter?structure of the Tourist Personality /129
6.1.4 The Factors Influencing Personality Formation and Development /131
6.1.5 Classification of Tourism Consumer Personality /133
6.2 The Primary Theories of the Tourist Personality /137
6.2.1 Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis /137
6.2.2 Jung’s Theory of Personality Types /138
6.2.3 The New Freudian Theory of Personality /139
6.2.4 The Trait Theory /140
6.2.5 The Big Five Personality Model /141
6.2.6 Plog’s Theory of Tourists’ Typology /142
6.3 The Self?concept of Tourists /142
6.3.1 The Definition of Tourists’ Self?concept /142
6.3.2 The Factors that Influence Tourists’ Self?concept /143
6.3.3 The Composition of Self?concept /144
6.3.4 Self?concept and the Symbolism of Tourism Consumption /145
6.4 Self?consistency and Travel Destination Selection /147
6.4.1 The Definition of Self?consistency /147
6.4.2 Application of the Self?consistency Theory in Tourism /149
Chapter 7 The Impacts of Technology on Tourism
Consumer Behavior /152
7.1 Technology Types and Their Applications in Tourism /153
7.1.1 Portab
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