An illustrated guide to the fishes of Indawgyi lake in Myanmar
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Introduction 1
Fishes of Indawgyi Lake 13
1. Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769) 13
2. Gudusia variegata (Day, 1870) 15
3. Psilorhymchus brachyrhynchus Conway and Britz, 2010 16
4. Acantopsis spectabilis (Blyth, 1860) 17
5. Lepidocephalichthys alkaia Havird and Page, 2010 18
6. Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei (Blyth, 1860) 19
7. Lepidocephalichthys eleios Kottelat, 2017 21
8. Lepidocephalichthys goalparensis Pillai and Yazdani, 1976 22
9. Pangio pangia (Hamilton, 1822) 23
10. Mustura celata Kottelat, 2018. 24
11. Paracanthocobitis linypha Singer and Page, 2015 26
12. Paracanthocobilis mandalayensis (Rendahl, 1948) 28
13. Schistura indawyiana Kottelat, 2017 30
14. Schistura malaisei Kottelat, 1990 31
15. Homalopteroides rupicola (Prashad and Mukerji, 1929) 33
16. Danio albolineatus (Blyth, 1860) 35
17. Danio choprae Hora, 1928 36
18. Danio kyathit Fang, 1998 37
19. Devario fangae Kullander, 2017 39
20. Devario myitkyinae Kullander, 2017 41
21. Esomus caudiocellatus Ahl, 1924 43
22. Esomus danrica (Hamilton, 1822) 44
23. Rasbora daniconius (Hamilton, 1822) 46
24. Rasbora rasbora (Harmilton, 1822) 48
25. Opsarius barmnoides (Vinciguerra, 1890) 50
26. Opsarius dogarsinghi (Hora, 1921) 51
27. Laubuka indaugyiana Khin and Chen 52
28. Amblypharymgodon atkinsonii (Blyth, 1860) 54
29. Osteobrama belangeri (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1844) 55
30. Osteobrama cunma (Day, 1888) 57
31. Osteobrama feae Vinciguerra, 1890 59
32. Anematichthys apogon (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1842) 60
33. Hypsibarbus myitkyinae (Prashad and Mukerj, 1929) 61
34. Neolissochilus herastichus (McCelland, 1839) 62
35. Oreichthys cosuatis (Hamilton, 1822) 64
36. Pethia didi (Kullander and Fang, 2005) 66
37. Pethia erythromycter (Kullander, 2008) 68
38. Pethia padamya (Kullander and Britz, 2008) 70
39. Pethia pugio (Kullander, 2008) 72
40. Pethia thelys (Kullander, 2008) 73
41. Puntius chola (Hamilton, 1822) 75
42. Puntius sophore (Hamilton, 1822) 77
43. Systomus sewelli (Prashad and Mukerji, 1929) 78
44. Bangana devdevi (Hora, 1936) 80
45. Cirrhinus cirrhosus (Bloch, 1795) 81
46. Garra qiaojiensis (Wu and Yao in Wu, 1977) 82
47. Labeo boga (Hamilton, 1822) 84
48. Labeo calbasu (Hamilton, 1822) 85
49. Labeo catla (Hamilton, 1822) 87
50. Labeo dyocheilus (McCelland, 1839) 88
51. Labeo dussumieri (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1842) 89
52. Labeo nandina (Hamilton, 1822) 90
53. Labeo porcellus (Heckel, 1844) 91
54. Labeo rohila (Hamilton, 1822) 92
55. Osteochilus rostellatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1842) 93
56. Ompok pabda (Hamilton, 1822) 95
57. Ompok pabo (Hamilton, 1822) 97
58. Pterocryplis berdmorei (Blyth, 1860) 98
59. Wallago attu (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) 100
60. Eutropiichthys burmannicus Day, 1877 101
61. Batasio dayi (Vinciguerra, 1890) 102
62. Hermibagrus microphthalmus (Day, 1877) 104
63. Mystus cineraceus Ng and Kottelat, 2009 106
64. Mystus falcarius Chakrabarty and Ng, 2005 108
65. Mystus leucophasis (Blyth, 1860) 109
66. Mystus pulcher (Chaudhuri, 1911) 110
67. Mystus rufescens (Vinciguerra, 1890) 111
68. Olyra horae (Prashad and Mukerji, 1929) 112
69. Sperata acicularis Ferraris and Runge, 1999 113
70. Akysis prashadi Hora, 1936 115
71. Amblyceps improcerum Ng and Kottelat, 2018 116
72. Hara longissima Ng and Kottelat, 2007 118
73. Pseudolagwvia tuberculata (Prashad and Mukerji, 1929) 119
74. Clarias magur (Hamilton, 1822) 121
75. Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794) 123
76. Parambassis ranga (Hamilton, 1822) 124
77. Parambassis robertsi Datta and Chaudhuri, 1993 126
78. Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton, 1822) 128
79. Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) 130
80. Chaudhuria caudata Annandale, 1918 130
81. Macrognathus aureus Britz, 2010 132
82. Maoror moremeus Apnmkia and Tomhi Sinhe, 2000. 133
83. Mastacembelus strigiventus Yang and Zhou, 2011 134
84. Matacembehus panthrinus Britr, 2007 135
85. Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) 136
86. Prasphaerichthys olltus Prashad and Mukerji, 1929 137
87. Thichogaster labiosas Day, 1877 139
88. Channa aurolineata (Day, 1870) 141
89. Channa panaw Musikasinthorn, 1998 142
90. Channa shingon Endruweit, 2017 143
91. Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) 145
92. Bads kyar Kllander and Britz, 2002 147
93. Bodis corycaeus Klander and Brt,t 2002 148
94. Dario hysgtnon Kllander and Britz, 2002 149
95. Microphis dncker (rahad and Mkeji, 129) 150
96. Indostomus pandorus Prashad and Mukerji, 1929 152
97. Leiodon euteutia (Hanition, 1822) 153
References 155
Acknowledgement 159
Appendix. Check List of Fishes of Indnwgvi Lake 161
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