目录 Preface Part 1 The Legal Environment of International Business CHAPTER 1 International Law and Comparative Legal Systems International Law Some General Concepts of Public International Law International Organizations Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Codes of Conduct Comparative Law: Differences in National Laws and Legal Systems CHAPTER 2 Dispute Resolution in the Global Marketplace Avoiding Business Disputes Alternative Dispute Resolution Litigation Conflict of Laws Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Commercial Disputes with Nations Part 2 International Sales, Credits and the Commercial Transaction CHAPTER 3 Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Introduction to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods The Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) Validity and Formation of International Sales Contracts Performance of Contracts Remedies for Breach of Contract Events Beyond the Control of the Parties: Excuses for Nonperformance Cultural Influences on Contract Negotiations CHAPTER 4 Documentary Transactions and the Risk of Loss Transaction Risk The Documentary Sale Allocating Shipping Responsibilities and the Risk of Loss CHAPTER 5 Legal Issues in International Transportation The Liability of International Air Carriers Liability for the Carriage of Goods by Sea The Liability of Ocean Transportation Intermediaries Marine Cargo Insurance CHAPTER 6 Letters of Credit: Law and Banking Practice The Bill of Exchange The Letter of Credit Part 3 International and U.S. Trade Law CHAPTER 7 GATT and the World Trade Organization Fundamental Principles Introduction to Trade Regulation The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade The World Trade Organization GATT/WTO Dispute-Settlement Procedures GATT 1994: Major Principles of Trade Law Nondiscrimination, Most Favored Nation Trade, and National Treatment National Treatment GATT and the Elimination of Quotas CHAPTER 8 Laws Governing Access to Foreign Markets The General Principle of Least Restrictive Trade Technical Barriers to Trade Import Licensing Procedures Government Procurement Trade in Services Trade in Agriculture Trade in Textiles and Clothing Other WTO "Trade-Related" Agreements Trade Sanctions and U.S.Section 301: The Threat of Retaliation CHAPTER 9 Exporting to the United States: Import Competition and Unfair Trade Laws Safeguards Against Injury Unfair Import Laws: Dumping and Antidumping Duties Unfair Import Laws: Subsidies and Countervailing Duties Judicial Review in International Trade Cases CHAPTER 10 Exporting to the United States: Customs and Tariff Laws The Administration of Customs and Tariff Laws Dutiable Status of Goods U.S. Trade Preferences for Developing Countries Other Customs Laws Affecting U.S. Imports CHAPTER 11 Export Regulation and Enforcement Trade Controls over Arms, Munitions, and Defense Systems National Security and Foreign Policy Issues History of U.S. Export Control Laws Export Controls on Commercial and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies The Presidents Emergency Powers During Peace and War CHAPTER 12 Regional Trade Areas in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia The Pholosophy of Economic Integration European Union The European Union and the Regulation of Business: The Four Freedoms Other Areas of Integration 0ther Regional Trade Areas Part 4 Regulation of the International Marketplace CHAPTER 13 Intellectual Property Law Reasons for Intellectual Property Transfer Arrangements Intellectual Property Rights: Transfer Arrangements International Protection for Patents, Trademarks, and Other Intellectual Property The Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health Nonenforcement of IPR Laws The Mechanics of IPR Transfer Regulations The Gray Market Franchising: Licensing Outside the Technological Context CHAPTER 14 Host Country Takings and Controls on Foreign Direct Investment Nationalization: Theories Relating to Takings of Foreign Propercy Guarding Against Political Risk Privatization Host-Country Corporate Law Affecting Foreign Investment Tax Issues Associated with Foreign Branches and Subsidiaries Controlling Currency Risk CHAPTER 15 International Business and Environmental Protection Consideration of Varying Environmental Requirements Traditional International Remedies Emerging Problems and Solutions CHAPTER 16 Competition Law and Business Regulation Historical Development of International Competition Law Basic Regulatory Framework Distinctions of Non-U.S. Competition Law Extratcrritorial Effect of Competition Laws
精彩内容 本书是英文影印改编版图书,原著International Business Law是国际商法领域权威著作,紧紧围绕企业开展国际化经营可能面对的法律问题,全面系统地阐述了相关的法律政策和企业应对策略,体现了经济全球化背景下贸易与法律的突出特点,为教学和科研提供了一种跨学科的视角。 全书共分4篇16章,涵盖的主题广泛,对国际法基础理论、国际货物买卖、国际贸易管制、国际知识产权保护、国际投资、国际税收、国际环境保护、国际竞争法等相关法律问题进行了全面的阐述和探讨。书中包含大量的案例,有助于读者更好地理解和运用相关法律知识。 本书不仅适合高校法学和经管类相关专业本科生、研究生阅读使用,而且适合作为从事国际经贸或法律工作的在职人员的培训用书和参考书。