目录 序言 Introduction 译者自序 Introduction by the Translator 曲江二首(其一) Drinking Vis-à-vis the Bent River (No. 1) 春望 A View of Spring 江畔独步寻花 Looking for Flowers Alone on the Bank 赠花卿 To Hua, a General 绝句二首(其一) A Quatrain Minor (No. 1) 绝句二首(其二) A Quatrain Minor (No. 2) 月夜忆舍弟 Missing My Brothers on a Moonlit Night 旅夜书怀 Traveling at Night 客至 A Friends Visit 绝句漫兴(其一) A Quatrain Impromptu (No. 1) 绝句漫兴(其三) A Quatrain Impromptu (No.3) 绝句漫兴(其七) A Quatrain Impromptu (No. 7) 戏为六绝句(其六) Six Quatrains for Fun (No.6) 漫成一首 An Impromptu 不见 Its Long Since I Saw Him后游A Revisit 秋兴八首(其三) An Impulse on an Autumn Day, Eight Poems (No. 3) 玉台观 The Celestial Wordist Abbey 倦夜 A Tired Night 孤雁 The Wild Goose Astray 望岳 Looking at Mt.Arch 游龙门奉先寺 Visiting Sage-Adoring Temple at Dragongate 登兖州城楼 Climbing the Gate Tower of Yanchow 题张氏隐居二首 On Changs Hermitage, Two Poems 刘九法曹郑瑕丘石门宴集 Liu of the Law Section and Cheng of Hsiachiu Hold a Banquet at Mt. Stonegate 与任城许主簿游南池 Visiting South Pool with Assistant Magistrate Hsu of Jencheng ……