目录 Preface to the Reissue of the Materials Characterization Series Preface to Series Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Polymers Preface Contributors POLYMER STRUCTURES AND SYNTHESIS METHODS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Chain Structures in Natural and Synthetic Polymers The Nature ofPolymeric Materials l, The Composition of PolymericMaterials 3, MolecularWeightandltsDistribution 11, PolymerChainConfigurations 12, PolymerChainConformations 14, Polymer SolidPState Struaure, Morphology, and Transitions 15, Polymer Surface Struaure 1.3 PolymerSynthesis ChainReactionPolymerization 21, CoordinationPolymerization 24, Step Reaction Polymerization 1.4 Summary POLYMER FABRICATION TECHNIQUES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 ProcessingTechniques FoamProcessing 31, Film-FormingProcesses 31, Composites 32, Extrusion 34, Molding 35, Coatings 36, OtherMethods 2.3 Applications Development of Spray-On Insulation for the Thermal Protection System Of the External Tankin the Space Shuttle Program 37, Development of Thick, Thin, and Ultrathin Polyimide Films 40, Langmuir-Blodgett (L-B)Films 47, PolymerComposites 49, MoldingProcesses 55, Fiber Drawing and Surface Modification Processes CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF POLYMERS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 ChemicalComposition:Questions toAsk 3.3 Techniques for Determination ofChemical Composition: What to Use to Ask the Questions 3.4 Illustrative Examples ofCharacterization ofChemical CompositionofPolymers Stoichiometry 72, Functionaliry 73, PhaseSeparation 80, Surface Modification 81, InterfacialChemicalComposition 83, Impurities 3.5 Summary: New Horizons CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MORPHOLOGY OF POLYMER SURFACES,INTERFACES, AND THIN FILMS BY MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUES 4.1 0verviewofPolymerlnterfaces andThin Films 4.2 IntroductiontoMicroscopyTechniques 4.3 0pticalMicroscopy 4.4 ScanningElectronMicroscopy Low-Voltage High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy 100, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy 4.5 Transmission ElectronMicroscopy 4.6 ScanningProbeMicroscopy 4.7 NewMicroscopies STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF INTERFACES AND THIN FILMS BY SCATTERING TECHNIQUES 5.1 Introduction 5.2 IndustriaIApplications Adhesion 122, BiomedicaIApplications 124, Langmuir-Blodgett Films and OtherThin Films 5.3 IntegratedOpticsMethod Wave-Guiding 127, NonlinearOpticaIMethod 5.4 Rflectivity 5.5 GrazingIncidenceX-RayScattering ……
精彩内容 《聚合物的表征》内容介绍:characterization of polymers is a practical guide for polymer researchers and technologists who are themselves not spets in polymer characterization. it will help them determine what surface, interfa and micro properties are important to their applications and the techniques most suited to the measurement of such properties. unlike other polymer characterization books wherein the primary focus is on techniques rather than material properties,this book emphasizes the properties and their technical implications,and recommends a technique or a range of techniques to measure a specific property complete with the pros and cons of the techniques and methods of data reduction/interpretation wherever pertinent. both widely accepted and novel techniques that may soon become industry norms are covered,and references are given for more in-depth studies.