目录 CONTENTS OF VOLUMEⅠPERl0D ⅠFROM The BIRTH OF MR.MORRISON.TO HIS ENTRANCEINTO HOXTON ACADEMY. HIs BIrth.——Parentage.——Education.——Youthful Character.——ConversIon.——Early StudIes and Engagements.——Juvenile Essays.——Extracts fromJournals.——Remarks.——His Health.——Thoughts of Marriage.Entranceon a course of Initiatory study.——Incident related by Mr.A.Wilson.——His MOthers attachment.——Her death.——Reflection on looking for.ward to the ChristIan MInistry.—Application to Hoxton Academy.He becomes a Student.——His Voyage t0 London………………
PERIOD IIFROM THE ENTRANCE OF MR·MORRISON AT HOXTON ACADEMY. TO HIS EMBARKATION FOR CHINA. 1803.——Arrival at Hoxtou Academy.——Extract from Diary.——InvitatIonto return home.——Associates at College.——Dr.Fletchers charatter of him as a Student.——Dr.Clunies dItto.——Dr.BurdersdItto.——Dr.PayneS ditto.——Joins Dr. Waughs Church——Preaches his first Sermon.——Extracts frOm Diary.——Extracts from Letters.——Preference for MIssionary Service. ……… CONTENTS OF VOLUME ⅠPERIOD ⅢSECTIONⅠSECTION ⅡSCECTION ⅢSECTION ⅣSECTION Ⅴ