目录 童话篇 Naboths vineyard Little Red-Cap The pig carried a watermelon Nvwa created human beings Sleeping beauty The twelve dancing princesses Cinderella The lotus lamp Mr. Pig The singing bone The princess and the pea The soldier and the witch The Goddess Change flew to the moon The old man and his grandson Choosing a bride The judge and the thief The River Snail Maiden Three questions
寓言篇 A loss may turn out to be a gain Cast pearls before swine Pull together in times of trouble The owl and the turtledove A tightly tied bundle of sticks Against the current fashion The three-year-old man The rabbit and the turtle The wolf and the dog A little ant The hungry wolf that waited The ass and his purchaser A little bird in the cow dung The milkmaid and her pail A silent dog A smart tortoise The wolf and the donkey
童谣篇 How beautiful nature is! I like spring My kite I touch with my fingers Sweepers Number Mother bird \"111 try\" and \"1 cant\" I had a little hen The wind What is blue? On sunny days Learn the art Draw circles Knife and fork A sweet rose The cow 绕口令