目录 目录第一部分1.居家生活期间-耳石症,一种常见的耳源性眩晕疾病2.居家生活期间-鼻出血的常见病因及居家紧急处理3.居家生活期间-过敏性鼻炎,你需要知道的那些事儿4.居家生活期间-鼾症,打呼噜也是一种病!5.居家生活期间-如何正确使用鼻喷剂及滴耳液6.居家生活期间-看古人立秋时节如何养生7.居家生活期间-古语有云“秋收冬藏”之如何秋收冬藏8.居家生活期间-胃该怎么“养”9.居家生活期间-喜闻乐见的“补药”真的适合你吗?10.居家生活期间-发现淋巴结肿大怎么办?11.居家生活期间-心肺功能锻炼12.居家生活期间-静脉血栓症小问答13.居家生活期间-肿瘤化疗患者营养支持小问答14.居家生活期间-心理问题如何疏导15.居家生活期间-脂肪肝的小知识16.居家生活期间-药物性肝损不可忽视17.居家生活期间-脑卒中的小知识18.居家生活期间-手抖和帕金森病的关系19.居家生活期间-发现泡沫尿该怎么办?20.居家生活期间-高血压相关知识第二部分1.特殊的握手2.病房里的约束手套和约定3.暑气炎蒸,更惜分阴4.听诊器的故事Table of ContentsPart I1.Staying at home-Otolithiasis, a common otogenic vertigo disorder2.Staying at home-Common causes of nosebleeds and emergency treatment3.Staying at home-Allergic rhinitis, what you need to know4.Staying at home-snoring, also a disease! -5.Staying at home-How to use nasal sprays and ear drops correctly6.Staying at home-The regimen of ancient Chinese at the beginning of fall7.Staying at home-How to “harvest in autumn and store in winter” based on the Chinese idiom8.Staying at home-How to take care of your stomach9.Staying at home-Are popular tonics the right choice for you? -10.Staying at home-What to do if your lymph nodes are swollen11.Staying at home-Cardio exercises12.Staying at home-Q&A on Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)13.Staying at home-Q&A about Nutrition Support for Chemotherapy Patients14.Staying at home-how to manage your mental health15.Staying at home-Tips on fatty liver disease16.Staying at home-Drug-induced liver injury should not be ignored17.Staying at home-Tips for cerebral stroke18.Staying at home-The relationship between shaking hands and Parkinsons disease19.Staying at home-What to do if I find my urine foamy -20.Staying at home-Tips on hypertensionPart II1.Special handshakes2.Restraint gloves and conventions in the ward3.The summer heat is steaming, and its more important to cherish time4.The story of the stethoscope