目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The preliminary 1.2 The special status of demotratives in language 1.3 The rationale for this study 1.4 The key research questio of this study 1.5 The significance of this study 1.6 The organization of the thesis Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Studies of demotratives in the philosophic approach 2.3 Studies of demotratives in the pragmatic approach 2.4 Studies of demotratives in the discoue analysis approach 2.5 Studies of demotratives in the linguistic approach 2.6 Studies of demotratives in the cognitive approach 2.7 A critique of the previous analysis of deixis and demotratives 2.8 Summary Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundatio and Research Framework 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical Foundatio 3.3 Research framework Chapter 4 Experiment 1 : Relatiohip between Distances and Modes of Pointing and the Choice of Demotratives 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Target of research 4.3 Hypothesis 4.4 Method 4.5 Results 4.6 Discussion Chapter 5 Experiment 2 : Relatiohip between Visibility and the Choice of Demotratives 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Target of research 5.3 Hypothesis 5.4 Method 5.5 Results 5.6 Discussion Chapter 6 Experiment 3 : Relatiohip between Size and the Choice of Demotratives 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Target of research 6.3 Hypothesis 6.4 Method 6.5 Results 6.6 Discussion Chapter 7 Experiment 4 : Relatiohip between Emotio and the Choice of Demotratives. 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Target of research 7.3 Hypothesis 7.4 Method 7.5 Results 7.6 Discussion Chapter 8 Experiment 5 : Relatiohip between the Sequence and the Choice of Demotratives 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Target of research 8.3 Hypothesis 8.4 Method 8.5 Results 8.6 Discussion Chapter 9 Experiment 6 : Relatiohip between Speakers or Addressees Territory and the Choice Of Demotratives 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Target of research 9.3 Hypothesis 9.4 Method 9.5 Results 9.6 Discussion Chapter 10 General Discussion 10.1 Introduction 10.2 The facto influencing the speakers choice of spatial demotratives 10.3 The nature of the relatiohip between distance and spatial demotratives 10.4 A theoretical framework for the situational use of spatial demotratives 10.5 The physio-psychological bases for the mental space building view 10.6 The advantages of the mental space building view of spatial demotratives 10.7 Implicatio for the relatiohip between cognition, language and reality Chapter 11 Conclusio, Limitatio, and Suggestio for Future Research 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Conclusio 11.3 Limitatio 11.4 Suggestio for future research Appendix A The Results of DCT (A) ( with the Itruction: Fill in the blank with one word) Appendix B The Results of DCT ( B ) ( with the Itruction: Fill in the blank with zhe or na ) Appendix C The Results of Experiment 1 Appendix D The Results of Experiment 2 Appendix E Tasks about the Size and the Sequence Appendix F Tasks about Territories Appendix G Tasks about the Emotio and the Sequence References