目录 1. What Is Economics2. To Satisfy Human Wants by Using Economic Resources3. Types of Economic Systems4. Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes5. Opportunity Costs and Marginal Costs6. Sources of High Productivity7. Perfect Competition & Monopolistic Competition8. The Characteristics of Monopoly9. The Characteristics of Oligopoly10. The Concept of Aggregrate Supply and Aggregate Demand 11. The Consumption, Saving, Investment Relationship12. Employment and Unemployment13. What Is Full Employment14. The Nature of Inflation15. Demand-pull Inflation and Cost-push Inflation16. The Role of Govemment17. Sources of Government Revenues18. Money and Its Functions19. Balance of Payments20. Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Rate21. Foreign Exchange Market22. Exchange Rate Determination23. The Intemational Monetary System24. The Money Market25. Tools of Monetary Policy26. The Structure of Financial Markets27. The International Monetary Fund28. Introduction to International Trade29. The Advantage of International Trade 30. European Economic Community31. Trade Tenns32. Barriers to International Trade33. Technology Transfer34. Business Internet35. Futures Trading36. Business Negotiation37. Contract38. Letter of Credit39. Bill of Exchange40. Bill of Lading41. Marine Insurance42. Lloyds43. Commodity Inspection44. Transportation45. Arbitration46. Advertising47. Multinational Corporations48. The World TradeOrganization49. Tenders50. What Is Marketing
内容摘要 Economics is basically the study of the decisions a society makes regard-ing the production of goods and services and the division of this among its peo-ple. As we shall see, different societies make these decisions in very differentways, but all societies are faced with the same problems —— how to use theireconomic resources to the best possible advantage. By economic resources we mean all natural, human, and manufacturedresources that go into the production of goods and services. That includes allthe factory and farm buildings and all the equipment, tools and machinery usedto produce manufactured goods and agricultural products; all tmnspotaion andcommunication facilities. labor is a very broad term that covers all different mental and physical ca-pabilities and skill possessed by human beings that can be used to producegoods and services. Labor is thus the largest single resource or input availableto any soc...