目录 Unit 1 Are You Ready for College Life? SECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart One:Practice ListeningPart TwO:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A What Can You Expect from College Life? Text B HOW to Adapt to College Life? SECTION III Grammar FocusParts ofSpeech(词类)SECTIONⅣ Applied WritingPersonal Information Form and Business Card(个人信息表与名片)Unit 2 HOW to Make Friends? SECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart 0ne:Practice ListeningPart TlwO:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A FriendshipText B Friends ForeverSECTION III Grammar FocusSentence Elements and Basic Sentence Pattems(句子成分和基本句型)SECTl0NⅣ Applied WritingNote and Notice(便条与通知)Unit 3 Whats Your Hobby? SECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart One:Practice ListeningPart TWO:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishTextA Types OfHobbiesText B Hip HopSECTIoN III Grammar FocusVerb Tenses(1)(动词时态)SECTION IV Applied WritingEnglish LeRer and E—mail(英文信函和电子邮件)Unit 4 Surfing the InternetSECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart One:Practice ListeningPart TwO:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A CvberstepmotherText B Internet and EducationSECTl0N III Grammar FocusVerb Tenses(2)(动词时态)SECTION IV Applied WritingLeer ofThanks and Congratulation(感谢信与祝贺信)Unit 5 WhoS Your Idol? SECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart One:Practice ListeningPart Two:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A Jared Kushner and the NYOText BⅥmOS Your Hero? SECTION III Grammar FocusVerb Tenses(3)(动词时态)SECTIONⅣApplied WritingInvitation and Reply to Invitation(邀请函与回帖)Unit 6 Enjoying FestivalsSECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart 0ne:Practice ListeningPart TwO:Follow the MviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A Chinese New Yearrext B HalloweenSECTION III Grammar FocusActive Voice and Passive Voice(主动语态和被动语态)SECTIONⅣApplied WritingPoster(海报)Unit 7 Are Y10u Fashionable? SECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart One:Practice ListeningPart TwO:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A Mens Accessories Go SeasonalText B Personal AestheticThe Latest Buzzword in FashionSECTION III Grammar FocusThe Subjunctive Mood(1)(虚拟语气)SECTIONⅣApplied WritingIOU and Receipt(借条与收据)Unit 8 Whats True Love? SECTION I Experiencing EnglishPart One:Practice ListeningPart TwO:Follow the MoviePart Three:Role PlaySECTION II Embracing EnglishText A College RomancesText B How to Live and Love in the 21st Century? SECTl0N III Grammar FocusThe Subjunctive Mood(2)(虚拟语气)SECTION IV Applied WritingMemo(备忘录)
其中,本册(上册)的话题包括Are You Ready for College Life,How to Make Friends,What's Your Hobby,Surfing the Intemet,Who's Your Idol,Injoying Fesfvals,Are You Fashionable,What's True Love.
精彩内容 本书分上、下两册,每册分为8个单元,每个单元围绕一个话题进行选材,其中,本册(上册)的话题包括Are You Ready for College Life, How to Make Friend等。
媒体评论 《大学职业英语综合教程》依据教育部高教司颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,贯彻实用为主、够用为度、与时俱进的编写理念,结合一线教学实践进行编写。为充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,全面提升学生的听、说、读、写、译等能力,本教材融入了视、听、说、演、练等多种教学方式,内容丰富、题材多样、定位准确、重点突出。 《大学职业英语综合教程》分上、下两册,每册分为8个单元,每个单元围绕一个话题进行选材。 其中,本册(上册)的话题包括Are You Ready for College Life,How to Make Friends,What's Your Hobby,Surfing the Intemet,Who's Your Idol,Injoying Fesfvals,Are You Fashionable,What's True Love. 本教材可作为高职高专院校公共英语课程的教学用书,也可供广大英语爱好者自学参考。