前言 由于现代工科源于西方科学技术的发展成果,高等院校工科教学一贯基于西方体系,科技术语多来自英文翻译,因此本科阶段对工科学生进行科技英语读写训练非常必要。培养学生英文表达能力的同时,让学生了解知识的本源,为将来在国际期刊发表科技论文打下基础。然而由于课时量的限制,仅通过“科技英语”课程无法完成此任务,因此面向本科生开设双语课程成为大势所趋,并且急需针对中国学生语言和逻辑思维背景的双语教材与之相配合。 本书以中英文对照的方式编写,方便读者阅读。全面介绍了电路与电子技术的基本概念和基本定律、电子电路的基本应用及其分析设计方法,使学生获得必要的电路与电子学基本概念和基本定律知识,掌握基本分析、设计方法,了解电路与电子技术发展的概况,建立坚实的电路分析基础,并具备一定的电路设计能力。本书内容分为电路与电子技术两部分,主要内容包括电路及其基本物理量与元件、电压与电流定律、经典电路分析方法、直流稳态与暂态分析、正弦电路稳态分析、三相电路;二极管、双极型三极管、场效应管、运算放大器、逻辑电路。本书突出概念及定义,将电路与电子技术领域内的经典理论和分析方法,必要时通过类比的方法阐述,以便于读者理解。每章均配有相应的讨论环节,给读者提供机会进行学术英语的思维、口语表达及演讲的训练,帮助读者对所学知识活学活用,将理论与生产、生活实际结合起来。在部分章节中加入“实例分析”,通过具体的案例阐述电路及电子技术在实际中的应用,有助于读者了解工程应用中各类型电路的分析设计方法,学以致用。在相应地方介绍科学家的简历和背景故事,寓教于乐。 作为工科基础课之一,本书面向电气信息类、电子信息类、自动化类专业的本科生,适用于课程设置中设有“电路与电子技术”双语或全英必修课的专业,也适用于其他专业的“电路与电子技术”选修课,也可作为广大对电路与电子技术这门学科、对电类科技英语有兴趣的读者的科普读物。 全书共分为11章,第1、4、5、6、9章由季天瑶编写,第2、3章由樊利民编写,第7、8章由贺小勇编写,第10、11章由李梦诗编写。本书由华南理工大学吴青华教授主编并统稿,中科院深圳先进技术研究院英籍博士Peter Z Wu仔细阅读了本书英文部分并给出了专业的修改意见,香港大学侯云鹤副教授对本书提出了切实的审稿意见,在此表示衷心的感谢诚恳希望广大读者对本书的缺点和错误提出批评和指正。 注意:本书以英文为主,中文只用来辅助英文理解,为了排版美观,英文部分加入了部分拓展的课外知识,没有给出对应的中文翻译;将图表放入了中文部分,节约版面的同时,图表中给出了中文、英文对应图表名及图注,方便查阅。 编者 Preface The advacements of modern industry and engineering stem from the gradual developments of science and technology in the western world. Teaching of engineering in colleges and universites has always been based on the western education system, and many terminologies are translated from English. Therefore, it is of great necessity to train engineering students in academic reading and writing using the English language, which will enable the students to gain a better understanding of the subject matter at its root level and later on prepare them for publishing research papers in international journals. However, due to the limited class hours, relying solely on the attendance of compulsory courses such as academic English is insufficient to fulfill such a task. A better approach is to open bilingual courses to undergraduate students. Hence, textbooks written in both English and Chinese, which fully consider the language and train of thought of Chinese students, are in urgent need. To ensure the readability of the textbook for students, it is typeset so that Chinese content is displayed on the left and the corresponding English content is shown on the right. This book covers the basic concepts and principles of electrical circuits and electronics, practical applications of circuits, and the analysis as well as design of circuits. This book will enable readers to understand basic laws and principles, apply them to solve and design circuits, get to know the historical development of electrical circuits and electronics. It provides a sound base to enable readers to develop theoretical and experimental skills in the areas covered. The book consists of two parts—electrical circuits and electronics, including basic elements and circuits, nonlinear elements, voltage and current laws, circuit analysis methods, DC steady state and transient analysis, ac steady state analysis, three-phase circuits; diodes, BJT transistors, MOSFET transistors, operational amplifiers, logic circuits. The book focuses on basic concepts and definitions, presentation of theories and analysis methods in the areas mentioned above, where appropriate illustrations are provided to assist the readers′ understanding of a concept. Discussions are also available in most chapters, which will help readers with the practical application of theories, as well as providing them with opportunities to practice their academic presentation skills. Some chapters also include examples explaining the application of electric circuits and electronics to solving real-world problems and demonstrate how the circuits are analyzed and designed in engineering. Relevant great scientists and engineers are introduced with their contributions highlighted. As an elementary course for engineering students, this textbook is suitable for undergraduate students majoring in the subject of computer science, software engineering, automation, cybernetics, as well as other specialist subjects where the course of electrical citruits and electronics is mandatory and taught bilingual or in English. In addition, this textbook can also serve as an introduction for readers who are interested in electrical circuits and electronics and in academic English regarding electricity. The book is organized into 11 chapters. The contributions made by each of the co-authors are listed as follows: chapters 1,4,5 and 9 were written by Dr. Tianyao Ji. Chapters 2 and 3 have been supplied by Limin Fan, while chapters 7 and 8 were written by Xiaoyong He. Chapters 10 and 11 were contributed by Dr. Mengshi Li. Prof. Qing-Hua Wu from South China University of Technology edited the completed book. Dr. Peter Z Wu from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences has proofread the English version and made meticulous corrections to ensure its readability. Dr. Yunhe Hou from Hong Kong University has reviewed the book and provided useful comments. The authors would like to ackonwledge the help and encouragement that have been provided to them during the writing of this book. Readers are welcome to address comments and corrections. the authors