目录 Foreword On the Completely Regular Growth of Analytic Functions Having Maximum on a Ray Value Distribution of Sequences of Rational Functions Inverse Problem for the Sturm-Liouville Operator with Almost-Periodic Potential Having Only Positive Fourier Exponents Subharmonic Functions of Completely Regular Growth in a Closed Cone Complete Description of the Pair Indicator-Lower Indicator of an Entire Function Solvability Conditions for the Homogeneous Riemann Boundary Problem with an Infinite Index Completeness of a System of Functions on Sets in the Complex Plane Frames in the Bargmann Space of Entire Functions Subharmonic Functions of Finite Degree Bounded on Subsets of the \"Real Hyperplane\" Uniqueness Theorems for Algebraic Functions Subharmonic Functions and cos(□)-Theorems for Entire Functions Represented by Gap Series Lacunary Series and Fourier Integrals of Functions of Several Variables Parametrization of Entire Functions of Sine-Type by Their Critical Values On Stability Estimates in the Marcinkiewicz Theorem and Its Generalization Limit Sets and Multiplicators of Entire Functions 编辑手记