作者简介 Gibson Ferguson is a Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Sheffield, where he convenes the MA programme in applied linguistics.
目录 Authors Preface
1 The discipline of language planning: a historical overview
1.1 The early years of the discipline of language planning
1.2 Criticisms of language planning
1.3 The resurgence of language planning and language policy
1.4 Changes in the discipline of language planning
1.5 Conclusion
2 The practice of language planning: an overview of key concepts
2.1 Language, nations and nationalism
2.2 The role of language planning in the construction of national languages and nations
2.3 Language planning in education
3 Educational and political dimensions of bilingual education: the case of the United States
3. I The context of bilingual education in the United States
3.2 Bilingual education in the United States: educational research and pedagogy
3.3 The politics of bilingual education in the United States