目录 Preface Chapter 1: Why JavaScript Concurrency? Synchronous JavaScript Synchronicity is easy to understand Asynchronous is inevitable Asynchronous browsers Types of concurrency Asynchronous actions Parallel actions JavaScript concurrency principles: Parallelize, Synchronize, Conserve Parallelize Synchronize The Promise API Conserve Summary Chapter 2: The JavaScript Execution Model Everything is a task Meet the players The Execution environment Event loops Task queues Execution contexts Maintaining execution state Job queues Creating tasks using timers Using setTimeout Using setlnterval Responding to DOM events Event targets Managing event frequency Responding to network events Making requests Coordinating requests Concurrency challenges with this model Limited opportunity for parallelism Synchronization through callbacks Summary Chapter 3: Synchronizing with Promises Promise terminology Promise State Executor Resolver Rejector Thenable Resolving and rejecting promises Resolving promises Rejecting promises Empty promises Reacting to promises Resolution job queues Using promised data Error callbacks Always reacting Resolving other promises Promise-like objects Building callback chains Promises only change state once Immutable promises Many then callbacks, many promises Passing promises around Synchronizing several promises Waiting on promises Cancelling promises Promises without executors Summary Chapter 4: Lazy Evaluation with Generators Call stacks and memory allocation Bookmarking function contexts Sequences instead of arrays Creating generators and yielding values Generator function syntax Yielding values Iterating over generators Infinite sequences No end in sight Alternating sequences Deferring to other generators Selecting a strategy Interweaving generators Passing data to generators Reusing generators Lightweight map/reduce Coroutines Creating coroutine functions Handling DOM events Handling promised values Summary Chapter 5: Working with Workers What are workers? OS threads Event targets True parallelism Types of workers Dedicated workers Sub-workers Shared workers Worker environments Whats available, what isnt? Loading scripts Communicating with workers Posting messages Message serialization Receiving messages from workers Sharing application state Sharing memory Fetching resources Communicating between pages Performing sub-tasks with sub-workers Dividing work into tasks A word of caution Error handling in web workers Error condition checking Exception handling Summary Chapter 6: Practical Parallelism Functional programming Data in, data out Immutability Referential transparency and time Do we need to go parallel? How big is the data? Hardware concurrency capabilities Creating tasks and assigning work Candidate problems Embarrassingly parallel Searching collections Mapping and reducing Keeping the DOM responsive Bottom halves Translating DOM manipulation Translating DOM events Summary Chapter 7: Abstracting Concurrency Writing concurrent code Hiding the concurrency mechanism Without concurrency Worker communication with promises Helper functions Extending postMessage0 Synchronizing worker results Lazy workers Reducing overhead Generating values in workers Lazy worker chains Using Parallel.js How it works Spawning workers Mapping and reducing Worker pools Allocating pools Scheduling jobs Summary Chapter 8: Evented IO with NodeJS Single threaded IO IO is slow IO events Multi-threading challenges More connections, more problems Deploying to the Internet The C10K problem Lightweight event handlers Evented network IO Handling HTTP requests Streaming responses Proxy network requests Evented file IO Reading from files Writing to files Streaming reads and writes Summary Chapter 9: Advanced NodeJS Concurrency Coroutines with Co Generating promises Awaiting values Resolving values Asynchronous dependencies Wrapping coroutines Child Processes Blocking the event loop Forking processes Spawning external processes Inter-process communication Process Clusters Challenges with process management Abstracting process pools Server clusters Proxying requests Facilitating micro-services Informed load balancing Summary Chapter 10: Building a Concurrent Application Getting started Concurrency first Retrofitting concurrency Application types Requirements The overall goal The API The UI Building the API The HTTP server and routing Co-routines as handlers The create chat handler The join chat handler The load chat handler The send message handler. Static handlers Building the UI Talking to the API Implementing the HTML DOM events and manipulation Adding an API worker Additions and improvements Clustering the API Cleaning up chats Asynchronous entry points Whos typing? Leaving chats Polling timeouts Summary Index