作者简介 David Sklar,是一名独立技术咨询师。除了撰写过《PHP经典实例》的前几版,他也是《Learning PHP 5》(O'Reilly出版)和《Essential PHP Tools》(Apress出版)的作者。 Adam Trachtenberg,是Linkedln Developer Network的部门主管。他是《Upgrade to PHP5》(O'Reilly出版)和《PHP经典实例》前几版的作者。
目录 Preface 1 Strings 2 Numbers 3 Dates and Times 4 Arrays 5 Variables 6 Functions 7 Classes and Objects 8 Web Fundamentals 9 Forms 10 Database Access 11 Sessions and Data Persistence 12 XML 13 Web Automation 14 Consuming RESTful APls 15 Serving RESTful APls 16 inter Services 17 Graphics 18 Secuity and Encryption 19 Internationalizaation and Localization ……