目录 Crystal Binding and Structure 1.1 Classification of Solids by Binding Forces (B) 1.1.1 Molecular Crystals and the van der Waals Forces (B) 1.1.2 Ionic Crystals and Born-Mayer Theory (B) 1.1.3 Metals and Wigner-Seitz Theory (B) 1.1.4 Valence Crystals and Heitler-London Theory (B) 1.1.5 Comment on Hydrogen-Bonded Crystals (B) 1.2 Group Theory and Crystallography 1.2.1 Definition and Simple Properties of Groups (AB) 1.2.2 Examples of Solid-State Symmetry Properties (B) 1.2.3 Theorem: No Five-fold Symmetry (B) 1.2.4 Some Crystal Structure Terms and Nonderived Facts (B) 1.2.5 List of Crystal Systems and Bravais Lattices (B) 1.2.6 Schoenflies and International Notation for Point Groups (A) 1.2.7 Some Typical Crystal Structures (B) 1.2.8 Miller Indices (B) 1.2.9 Bragg and yon Lane Diffraction (AB) Problems
2 Lattice Vibrations and Thermal Properties 2.1 The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation (A) 2.2 One-Dimensional Lattices (B) 2.2.1 Classical Two-Atom Lattice with Periodic Boundary Conditions (B) 2.2.2 Classical, Large, Perfect Monatomic Lattice,and Introduction to Brillouin Zones (B) 2.2.3 Specific Heat of Linear Lattice (B) 2.2.4 Classical Diatomic Lattices: Optic and Acoustic Modes (B) 2.2.5 Classical Lattice with Defects (B) 2.2.6 Quantum-Mechanical Linear Lattice (B) 2.3 Three-Dimensional Lattices 2.3.1 Direct and Reciprocal Lattices and Pertinent Relations (B) 2.3.2 Quantum-Mechanical Treatment and Classical Calculation of the Dispersion Relation (B) 2.3.3 The Debye Theory of Specific Heat (B) 2.3.4 Anharmonic Terms in The Potential /The Gruneisen Parameter (A) 2.3.5 Wave Propagation in an Elastic Crystalline Continuum(MET, MS) Problems
3 Electrons in Periodic Potentials 3.1 Reduction to One-Electron Problem 3.1.1 The Variational Principle (B) 3.1.2 The Hartree Approximation (B) 3.1.3 The Hartree――Fock Approximation (A) 3.1.4 Coulomb Correlations and the Many-Electron Problem (A) 3.1.5 Density Functional Approximation (A) 3.2 One-Electron Models 3.2.1 The Kronig-Penney Model (B) 3.2.2 The Free-Electron or Quasifree-Eiectron Approximation (B) 3.2.3 The Problem of One Electron in a Three-Dimensional Periodic Potential 3.2.4 Effect of Lattice Defects on Electronic States in Crystals (A) Problems
4 The Interaction of Electrons and Lattice Vibrations 4.1 Particles and Interactions of Solid-state Physics (B) 4.2 The Phonon-Phonon Interaction (B) 4.2.1 Anharmonic Terms in the Hamiltonian (B) 4.2.2 Normal and Umklapp Processes (B) 4.2.3 Comment on Thermal Conductivity (B) 4.3 The Electron-Phonon Interaction 4.3.1 Form of the Hamiltonian (B) 4.3.2 Rigid-Ion Approximation (B) 4.3.3 The Polaron as a Prototype Quasiparticle (A) 4.4 Brief Comments on Electron-Electron Interactions (B) …… 5 metals,Alloys,and the Fermi Surface 6 Semiconductors 7 Magnetism,Magnons,and Magnetic Resonance 8 Superconductivity 9 Optical Properties of Solids 11 Defects in Solids 12 Current Topics in Solid Condensed-Matter Physics Appendices Bibliography Index
内容摘要 《固态物理学(第2卷)》主要内容简介:Semiconductors、Magnetism,Magnons,and Magnetic Resonance、Superconductivity、Optical Properties of Solids、Defects in Solids、Current Topics in Solid Condensed-Matter Physics等。
主编推荐 《固态物理学(第2卷)》由世界图书出版公司出版。
精彩内容 hapter 1 was concerned with the binding forces in crystals and with the mannerin which atoms were arranged. Chapter 1 defined, in effect, the universe withwhich we will be concerned. We now begin discussing the elements of this uni-verse with which we interact. Perhaps the most interesting of these elements arethe internal energy excitation modes of the crystals. The quanta of these modes arethe "particles" of the solid. This chapter is primarily devoted to a particular typeof internal mode - the lattice vibrations. The lattice introduced in Chap. 1, as we already mentioned, is not a static struc-ture. At any finite temperature there will be thermal vibrations. Even at absolutezero, according to quantum mechanics, there will be zero-point vibrations. As wewill discuss, these lattice vibrations can be described in terms of normal modesdescribing the