目录 兵书的起源 Origin of the Books on the Art of War 早期的干戈记事 Early Records on Wars 最早的兵书 Earliest Books on the Art of War 历代兵书 Books on the Art of War Through History 《孙子兵法》 Master Sun's Art of War 《吴子兵法》 Master Wu's Art of War 《司马法》 Offi Sima's Art of War 《孙膑兵法》 Sun Bin's Art of War 《六韬》 Six Strategies 《尉缭子》 Wei Liao zi 《三略》 Three Strategies 《三十六计》 Thirty—Six Stratagems 《李卫公问对》 Answers' Record of General Li Jing 《太白阴经》 Taibai Yin's Classic 《武经总要》 Main Points in Military Theory 《守城录》 Book of City Defense 《南船记》 Book of Shipbullding in Nanjing 《纪效新书》 New Theorles on Military Training,Strategies and Experience 《筹海图编》 Illustrated Collection of the Theories of Coast Defense 《神器谱》 Collection of Military Weapons 《武备志》 Book of Military Theory 《海国图志》 Records and Maps of the World