Keynote SpeechIntegrated Solutions for MycotoManagement by MycoKey iChinaMycoKey EU—China Collaboratiofor MycotoManagement ithe Food and Feed ChainIntemafional Collaborations:the Key to Detect,Control and Reduce Mycotons ithe Food ChainPopulatioStructure and Its MycotoChemotypes of Fusarium Pathogenic spp.Causing Barley and Wheat Head Blight iEpidemic Re,oof ChinaFusarium Mycotons iOur Staple Foods:Is the PathogeOne Step Ahead of Us?——New Hopes for Decreasing DON AccumulatioiCereals throughOmics ApproachesAdvances iDetectioTechnologies for MycotonsKey Molecules iPrimary Metabolism for MycotoProductionChemical Control of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat iChinaDiscovery of Functional Gene Subnetwork Modules Associated with Fusarium verticillioides Virulence and FumonisiRegulationBreeding for the Resistance to Wheat Fusarium Head Blight iChinaFusarium——A Major Pest and AImportant ModelFusarium Head Blight Mornitoring and PredictionMultiple MycotoMonitoring iAgricultural Products iThailand:Are TheySafe for ConsumingBiodiversity&Togenic Fungi MonitoringThe Mycotogenic Fusarium proli&ratum:A Perfect Example of the GreatBeauty of Fungal BiodiversityUnveiling the Fusarium graminearum SpecKs Complex:A Sys~matic Review and Analysis of Global Survey Data oSpecies and Togenic ProfileA Polyphasic Study of Aspergillus SectioFlavi Isolated from CoriGuangChina—a Hot Spot of AflatoContaminationClaviceps purpurea and Its Propensity to Form Ergot Alkaloids iCereal CropsMonitoring of Fusarium Species and Chemotypes Associated wjm FusariumHead Blight oWheat iHebei Province.ChinaPopulatioAnalysis of Pathogeof Fusarium CrowRot iNortherChina……MycotodetectitechnologyFunctional genomics of togenic fungiPreventioithe fieldRemediatio& interventionFood processing & tocologyModelling & ICT soltutions 作者介绍