序言:感念妈祖大爱,诠释海定波宁 Preface:Remembering the Great Love of Mazu,Interpreting the Peace of Ocean 前言:穿越千年时空,探寻妈祖大爱之路 Foreword:Cross a Thousand Years,Seek the Path ofthe Great Love ofMazu 宁波城区Ningbo Urban Area 宁波城区的妈祖信仰与天后宫 Mazu Belief and Tianhou Temple in Ningbo Urban Area 江厦街天妃宫 Tianhou Temple in Jiangxia Street 后塘街福建会馆天后宫 Fujian Guild Hall(Tianhou Temple)in Houtang Street 庆安会馆 Qing‘an Guild Hall 安澜会馆 Anlan Guild Hall 江厦街边的天妃宫 Tianfei Temple beside Jiangxia Street 江厦街天妃宫图志 Images of Tianfei Temple in Jiangxia Street 镇海Zhenhai 镇海境内的妈祖信仰与天后宫 Mazu Belief and TianhOU Temple in Zhenhai 镇海南薰门天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Nan Xunmen in Zhenhai 镇海招宝山下天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Zhaobaoshan in Zhenhai 镇海威远城天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Weiyuancheng in Zhenhai 镇海潍浦行门口天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Xiepu Hangmenkou in Zhenhai 北仑Beilun 北仑境内的妈祖信仰与天后宫 Mazu Belief and Tianhou Temple in Beilun 北仑新碘下三山天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Xinqi Xiasanshan in Beilun 北仑新碘高潮小宫 GaOchaOXiaOgOng in Xinqi in Beilun 北仑梅山七姓涂天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Meishan Qixingtu in Beilun 北仑大榭丁家塘天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Daxie Dingjiatang in Beilun 余姚Yuyao 余姚境内的妈祖信仰与天后宫 Mazu Belief and TianhOU Temple in Yuyao 余姚临山天妃宫 Tianfei Tempie in Linshan in Yuyao 余姚城东酱园街天后宫 Tianhou Tempie in Jiangyuan Street in YuyaoChengdong 余姚临山天后宫 Tianhou Temple in Linshan in Yuyao