基本信息 书名:一千零一夜 定价:58.00元 作者:理查德•伯顿(Burton R.) 出版社:中央编译出版社 出版日期:2012-04-01 ISBN:9787511711984 字数:720000 页码:584 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《一千零一夜》是阿拉伯人民在历经几百年共同创作、搜集、加工提炼和编纂而成的一部的民间故事集。它生动地描绘了中世纪阿拉伯帝国的社会生活,色彩斑斓,形象逼真,是一幅瑰丽多姿的历史画卷。本书精选了其中的25个。本书是《一千零一夜》的英文版,由理查德·伯顿编译。 内容提要 《一千零一夜(英文版)》,本书是阿拉伯民间故事集。相传古代印度与中国之间有一萨桑国,国王山鲁亚尔生性残暴嫉妒,因王后行为不端,将其杀死,此后每日娶一少女,翌日晨即杀掉,以示报复。宰相的女儿山姆佐德拯救无辜的女子,自愿嫁给国王,用讲述故事方法吸引国王,每夜讲到最精彩处,天刚好亮了,使国王爱不忍杀,允她下一夜继续讲。她的故事一直讲了一千零一夜,国王终于被感动,与她白首偕老。本书的语言流畅、简洁、精练,是英语学习者非常喜好的材料。 目录 IntroductionKing Shahryar and His BrotherThe Fisherman and the JinniThe Porter and the Three Ladies of BaghdadThe Tale of the Three ApplesTale of Ghanim bin Ayyub, the Distraught,the Thrall o'LoveThe HermitsHatim of the Tribe of TayyTale of Ma'an Son of Zaidah and the BadawiThe City of Many-columned Iram and Abdullah Son of Abi KilabahThe Sweep and the Noble LadyAli the PersianThe Man Who Stole the Dish of Gold Wherein the Dog AteThe Ruined Man Who Became Rich Again Through a DreamThe Ebony HorseThe Angel of Death with the Proud King and the Devout ManSindbad the Seaman and Sindbad the LandsmanThe City of BrassThe Lady and Her Five SuitorsJudar and His BrethrenJulnar the Sea-born and Her Son King Badr Basim of PersiaKhalifah the Fisherman of BaghdadAbu Kir the Dyer and Abu Sir the BarberAlaeddin; or, the Wonderful LampAli Baba and the forty ThievesMa'aruf the Cobbler and His Wife FatimahConclusion 作者介绍 作者:(英)伯顿 序言