基本信息 书名:查泰来夫人的情人 定价:35.00元 作者:D. H. Lawrence 出版社:中央编译出版社 出版日期:2012-06-01 ISBN:9787511706287 字数:446000 页码:443 版次:5 装帧:平装 开本:大32开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 LADY CHATTERIJEY'S LOVER is a novel by D. H. Lawrencc, first published i1928. Thefirst editiowas printed iFlorence, Italy; itcould not be published openly ithe UnitcdKingdom until 1960. (A private editiowasissued by Inky Stephcnsen's Mandrake Pressi1929). The story is said to have originated fromevents iLawrence's owunhappy domesticlife, and he took inspiratiofor the settings ofthe book from Eastwood iNottinghamshirewherc he lived for a while. According to somecritics, the fling of Lady Ottoline Morrcll with"Tiger", a young stonemasowho camc tocarvc plinths for her gardestatucs, alsoinfluenced the story. 内容提要 一战结束后,出身贵族的克利福德爵士带着伤残的身体回到庄园;妻子康妮是个健康貌美的知识女性,然而在长久的无性的沉闷生活中几乎无法忍受。就在这时,身材健壮然向^却有着“土包子”那种粗俗、鄙陋的外表的看林人却吸引了她。一股被压抑了太久的最原始的生命力开始萌动,她一次次到林中小屋与之幽会,在此期间体会到爱情的美好,终于跨越世俗的陋见与隔阂,从而踏上新的人生旅途。 目录 INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER ICHAPTER IICHAPTER IIICHAPTER IVCHAPTER VCHAPTER VICHAPTER VIICHAPTER VIIICHAPTER IXCHAPTER XCHAPTER XICHAPTER XIICHAPTER XIIICHAPTER XIVCHAPTER XVCHAPTER XVICHAPTER XVIICHAPTER XVIIICHAPTER XIXAPPENDIX: MARKS ON LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER 作者介绍 D.H. LAWRFNCF, (1885-1930),one of the greatest figuresin20th-century English literature.Lawrcncc saw sex and intuitionasways to undistorted perception ofreality and mcans to respondtothe inhumanity of the industrialculture. From Lawrence'sdoctrinesof scxual freedom aroseobscenity trials, which had a dccpeffect onthe relationshipbctwccn literature and society. In 1912 he wrote: "What theblood feels, and believes, and says,isalways true." Lawrcncc's Iifcafter World War I was markedwithcontinuous and restlesswandering. 序言