内容提要 1897年l2月,严复翻译的《天演论》在出版的天津《园闻汇编》。甫一问世,维新派领袖康有为惊叹“眼中未见有此等人”,称严复“为中国西学第一者也”,由此开启了中国近代史上规模空前的思想变革,一时间仁人志士莫不以鼓民力、开民智、新民德相号召,而物竞天择、优胜劣汰的西方现代思想也在国人心中深深扎下了根。举凡蔡元培、梁启超、章太炎、王国维、鲁迅、胡适、陈寅恪、蒋廷黼等一大批近现代学者,其治学、为文的底里率皆以进化论为旨归;即或李大钊、陈独秀、毛泽东等中共创始人,早年亦在进化论的影响下走上了革命道路。 随着纪念达尔文诞辰200周年和《物种起源》发表150周年等活动,世人再度兴起新一轮研究进化论的热潮;而要厘清中国近代史上这场伟大的思想变革乃至此后人文.自然各学科领域的草创、发展,自当不容忽视这部开启了一个时代的惊天之作《天演论》。 目录 INTRODUCTIONTOTHOMASHENRYHUXLEYIHUXLEYANDDARWINIITHEBATTLEFOREVOLUTIONPREFACEIEVOLUTIONANDETHICSIIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXIIXIIIXIVIIEVOLUTIONANDETHICSIIISCIENCEANDMORALSIIIIII 作者介绍 T. H. Huxley (1825-1895), the son of a maths teacher. At 21, Huxley signed on as assistant surgeon on HMS Rattlesnake, a Royal Navy ship assigned to chart the seas around Australia and New Guinea. During the voyage, he collected and studied marine invertebrates, sending his papers back to London. When he returned he found that the papers had been read and admired and in I851 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society.He met Charles Darwin in around 1856 and was won over by his theory of evolution by natural selection, which provoked a storm of controversy because it challenged the Christian belief that God created life on Earth. Huxley's repeated and passionate defence of the book earned him the nickname of "Darwin's Bulldog". 序言