目录 CHAPTER ICHAPTER IICHAPTER IIICHAPTER IVCHAPTER VCHAPTER VICHAPTER VIICHAPTER VIIICHAPTER IXCHAPTER XCHAPTER XICHAPTER XIICHAPTER XIIICHAPTER XIVCHAPTER XVCHAPTER XVICHAPTER XVIICHAPTER XVIIICHAPTER XIXCHAPTER XXCHAPTER XXICHAPTER XXIICHAPTER XXIIICHAPTER XXIVCHAPTER XXVCHAPTER XXVICHAPTER XXVIICHAPTER XXVIIICHAPTER XXIXCHAPTER XXXCHAPTER XXXICHAPTER XXXIICHAPTER XXXIIICHAPTER XXXIVCHAPTER XXXVCHAPTER XXXVICHAPTER XXXVII 作者介绍 Jules Gabriel Verne (1828——1905)was a French author who helpedpioneer the science-fiction genre.He is best known for his novels AJourney to the Center of the Earth0864),From the Earth to the Moon0865), Twenty Thousand LeaguesUnder the Sea (1869——1870), Aroundthe World in Eighty Days (1873) andThe Mysterious Island (1875).Verne wrote about space, air,and underwater travel beforenavigable aircraft and practicalsubmarines were invented, andbefore any means of space travelhad been devised. Consequentlyhe is often referred to as the“Father of science fiction”, alongwith H. G. Wells. Verne is thesecond most translated author ofall time, only behind AgathaChristie, with 4162 translations. 序言