内容提要 外部领有结构是自然语言中非常重要的结构类型之一。本书提出,内在格也需要核查,带内在格的领有名词可以移出DP来核查其格特征,外部领有结构就是借助移位操作生成的。本书所提设想具有以下优越性:事实方面,它可以统一解释各类外部领有结构,并发现一些新的现象;理论方面,它解决了内在格在简方案中的尴尬地位,发展了移位的解读理论,还为如何解释广义控制规则所涵盖的语言事实提供了一种新的思路。 目录 Chapter One General Introductio1.1 Definition of external possession constructions1.2 Research questions1.3 Our proposal: the movement approach to external possessio1.4 Feasibility of our proposal1.4.1 Preliminaries1.4.2 The feasibility1.5 OrganizatioChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 MP and its two implementations2.1.1 Phase Theory2.1.2 The Movement Theory of Construal2.2 Our proposal for DP structure2.2.1 The functional heads in DP2.2.2 The structure of Chinese nominal phrases2.2.3 Summing up2.3 Inherent Case checking hypothesis2.3.1 Case Theory: an overview2.3.2 Our assumption about Case checking2.4 Case feature on Chinese possessors2.4.1 The abstract Case feature in Chinese2.4.2 Case feature on the possessor2.5 Inherent Case checking2.6 SummaryChapter Three The External Possessor in Object Positions3.0 Introductio3.1 The properties of PDOCs3.2 Our account of PDOCs3.2.1 The movement approach to PDOCs3.2.2 The account of the syntactic behavior of PDOCs3.2.3 The account of cross-linguistic data3.3 The infeasibility of alternative accounts3.4 SummaryChapter Four The External Possessors in Subject Positions4.0 Introductio4.1 A study of PSPOCs4.1.l The function of the possessor as a subject4.1.2 The properties of the PSPOCs4.1.3 Our account of PSPOCs4.1.4 The infeasibility of alternative accounts of PSPOCs4.1.5 Summing up4.2 A study of DNCs4.2.1 The functions of the external possessor in DNCs4.2.2 The properties of DNCs4.2.3 Our account of DNCs4.2.4 The infeasibility of alternative accounts of DNCs4.2.5 Summing up4.3 SummaryChapter Five The External Possessor in the Topic Position .5.0 Introductio5.1 Sub-extraction of a possessor from a non-phase5.1.1 The function of the external possessor5.1.2 Our account of these types of EPCs5.1.3 Summing up5.2 Sub-extraction of a possessor from the edge position of a phase5.2.1 A puzzling phenomeno5.2.2 Our account5.2.3 The infeasibility of alternative analyses of PDNCs5.2.4 Summing up5.3 Sub-extraction of a possessor from VP-Comp5.3.1 Some puzzling phenomena5.3.2 Our account5.3.3 The infeasibility of alternative analyses of this type of EPCs5.3.4 Summing up5.4 Discussion about the constraint on possessor movement--the LBC5.4.1 The status of the LBC5.4.2 Our assumption about the LBC5.4.3 LBE of a possessor in Chinese5.4.4 Summing up5.5 SummaryChapter Six Conclusions6.1 Summary of the present study6.2 Major contributions6.3 LimitationsReferences 作者介绍 田启林,毕业于广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心,获博士学位。目前任教于浙江工业大学,主要从事句法学研究。在《现代外语》等期刊发表论文十余篇,译著有《乔姆斯基:思想与理想》(2015年,中国人民大学出版社)。主持浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目1项,参与国家哲学社会科学基金项目2项。 序言