基本信息 书名:维洛那二绅士 定价:14元 作者:裘克安注释 出版社:中国林业出版社 出版日期:2017-06-01 ISBN:9787100069359 字数: 页码:177 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:32开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《维洛那二绅士》是莎士比亚部以爱情和友谊为主题的浪漫喜剧,以两个朋友在爱情上的波折为主要情节。从这部戏剧开始,莎士比亚抛弃了传统闹剧的模式,开始注重人物性格的塑造和心理描写。剧中凡伦丁的正直朴实和普洛丢斯的狡猾都十分鲜明。尤其值得一提的是剧中出现的仆人朗斯和史比德,他们的一言一行、一举一动都使人们欢笑不已。他们是莎士比亚引人注目的仆人形象系列的对。 内容提要 本书为神农架地区资源调查成果之一, 分为总论和各论两部分。“总论”介绍了蝴蝶的形态特征、生物学习性、天地与防御机制、标本的采集与制作以及保存, “各论”从外观特征、生态习性以及神农架分布三个方面介绍了神农架地区316种蝴蝶资源, 对神农架地区物种资源研究具有重要的 目录 意大利维洛那有二年轻绅士:凡伦丁为正面人物,行为高尚,爱情专一,被放逐做了绿林强盗首领,仍不失绅士风度。普洛丢斯为反面角色,喜新嫌旧,出卖朋友,但最后悔过,回归旧我。两对男女各成眷属,喜剧以团圆告终。 作者介绍 SPEED To yourself. Why, she woos you by a figure.VALENTINE What figure?SPEED By a letter, I should say.VALENTINE Why, she hath not writ to me.SPEED What need she, when she hath made you write to yourself? Why, do you not perceive the jest?VALENTINE No, believe me.SPEED No believing you, indeed, sir. But did you per- ceive her earnest?VALENTINE She gave me none, except an angry word.SPEED Why, she hath given you a letter.VALENTINE That's the letter I writ to her friend.SPEED And that letter hath she delivered, and there an end.VALENTINE I would it were no worse.SPEED warrant you. For often have you writ to her, and she, in modesty, Or else for want of idle time, could not again reply; Or fearing else some messenger that might her mind discover, Herself hath taught her love himself to write unto her lover. All this I speak in print, for in print I found it. Why muse you, sirTis dinnertime.VALENTINE I have dined.SPEED Ay, but hearken, sir: though the chameleon Love can feed on the air, I am one that am nourished by my victuals, and would fain have meat. O, be not like your mistress; be moved, be moved. …… 序言