基本信息 书名:新概念英语同步互动 定价:29.80元 作者:新东方名师编写组 编 出版社:商务印书馆出版 出版日期:2010-01-01 ISBN:9787100068024 字数: 页码:348 版次:1 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《新概念英语同步互动真题集(第3册)》:学习目标:高考135分pets三级和pets四级80分通用英语证书fce雅思6.5大学四级、六级568分考研80分新托福110分《新概念英语》学习胜经一线教学名师全力出击一线名师,担当主编;授课精华,倾情奉献;一本在手,考试无忧;真题考点,一网打尽!攻高考,四、六级,考研,新托福110,雅思6.5,通用英语证书fce已经学完《新概念英语》第二册或任何一本中级以下水平综合英语教材的学习者;准备参加高考或者大学四、六级考试的学生;准备各种社会公共英语考试,如pets三、四级、雅思考试的考生;已经具备了一定英语基础的高中生或大学一、二年级学生;不满足于只是应付水平考试,想全面提高自己英语水平的学习者。 内容提要 本书试题均来自各种考试的真题及模拟题,在选取文章时既注意与对应课文的关联性,又注意语言的优雅、凝练和幽默,句型工整而又富于变化。本册重点在于理解语篇内句子之间内在的逻辑关系,使学习者认识到句型的精练、优美、实用与可模仿性,从而将其有机地运用于英语写作之中;并进一步扩充讲解词汇、短语及语法的实战运用,为考生顺利通过各种考试打下扎实的基础。 目录 Lesson 1 A puma at largeLesson 2 Thirteen equals oneLesson 3 An unknown goddessLesson 4 The double life of Alfred BloggsLesson 5 The factsLesson 6 Smash-and-grabLesson 7 Mutilated ladiesLesson 8 A famous monasteryLesson 9 Flying catsLesson 10 The loss of the TitanicLesson 11 Not guiltyLesson 12 Life on a desert islandLesson 13 "It's only me" Lesson 14 A noble gangsterLesson 15 Fifty pence worth of troubleLesson 16 Mary had a little lambLesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the worldLesson 18 Electric currents in modern artLesson 19 A very dear catLesson 20 Pioneer pilotsLesson 21 Daniel MendozaLesson 22 By heartLesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poisonLesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboardLesson 25 The Cutty SarkLesson 26 Wanted.. a large biscuit tinLesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buyLesson 28 Five pounds too dearLesson 29 Funny or not?Lesson 30 The death of a ghostLesson 31 A lovable eccentricLesson 32 A lost shipLesson 33 A day to rememberLesson 34 A happy discoveryLesson 35 Justice was doneLesson 36 A chance in a millionLesson 37 The Westhaven ExpressLesson 38 The first calendarLesson 39 Nothing to worry aboutLesson 40 Who's whoLesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peaceLesson 42 Modern cavemenLesson 43 Fully insuredLesson 44 Speed and comfortLesson 45 The power of the pressLesson 46 Do it yourselfLesson 47 Too high a price?Lesson 48 The silent villageLesson 49 The ideal servantLesson 50 New Year resolutionsLesson 51 Predicting the futureLesson 52 Mud is mudLesson 53 In the public interestLesson 54 Instinct or cleverness?Lesson 55 From the earth: GreetingsLesson 56 Our neiour, the river Lesson 57 Back in the old countryLesson 58 A spot of botherLesson 59 CollectingLesson 60 Too early and too late 作者介绍