内容提要 《牛津高阶英语词典》是世界上第一部为非英语国家的人们学习英语而编纂的高阶英语学习词典,半个多世纪以来一直引领着世界的潮流,迄今已发行三千万册。本词典是牛津大学2000年推出第六版的引进版,该书英语版在国内是首次推出。本词典增收新词新义4500条,突出了语法信息与用法搭配,并将释义所用单词从3500个精选到3000以内,把学习词典普遍采用的以简释繁的原则贯彻得十分出色。 目录 PrefaceKey to the dictionaryNumbers and symbolsThe Dictionary Computing Cooking Health Musical instruments SportColour illustrationetween 372 and 373 Bread,cakes and desserts Fruit Vegetables Clothes and fabrics The animal kingdom Games and toysLanguange study pages between 756and 757 Linking words together Collocation Noums and adjectives Verbs Phtasal verbs Idioms Informal letters,faxes ,memos and e-s Formal letters Writing a CV or resumeMapetweeb 1140 and 1141 The globe and the seaeons The world The British lsles Canada ,the united Sates and the Caribbean Australia and New ZealandAppendices Irregular verbs Geographical names Numbers Pumctuation The language of literary criticism Notes on usage Defining vocabulary 作者介绍