基本信息 书名:新版剑桥美式商务英语:教师用书 定价:48.00元 作者:[英]西蒙·斯威尼(SimonSweeney) 著 出版社:商务印书馆 出版日期:2022-01-01 ISBN:9787100205184 字数:130000 页码:132 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 适读人群 :适合于英语、财经类大 《新版美式商务英语:学生用书》和《新版美式商务英语:教师用书》是大学出版社开发的一套美式商务英语教材,以口语和听力为主要特色,注重语言和沟通技能。教材采用模块化设计,并配有丰富的听力、讨论和实践材料,让学习者可以迅速提高商务环境下的口语和听力。 内容提要 “新版美式商务英语”是大学出版社开发的一套美式商务英语教材,包括《新版美式商务英语:学生用书》和《新版美式商务英语:教师用书》。《教师用书》是《学生用书》的配套指导用书,其内容采用模块化设计,包括详细的解析、听力脚本和习题答案。利用此书,教师可以方便教学,并可随意挑选适合课堂教学的商务模块。 目录 IntroductioivModule 1 Cultural diversityand socializingUnit 1 Building a relationship 1Overview 1Cross-cultural understanding (1) 1Welcoming visitors 4Small talk: keg the conversatiogoing 6Unit 2 Culture and entertainment 10Overview 10Cross-cultural understanding (2) 10Inviting, and accepting or declining 11Eating out 17Module 2 Using the telephoneUnit 3 Could I leave a message? 19Overview 19Preparing to make a telephone call 19Receiving calls 20Taking and leaving messages 21Asking for and giving repetitio24The secretarial barrier 25Unit 4 Good to hear from you again! 28Overview 28Cross-cultural communicatioothetelephone (1) 28Setting up appointments 29Changing appointments 32Ending a call 33Unit 5 Unfortunately there’s a problem … 37Overview 37Cross-cultural communicatioothetelephone (2) 37Problem solving othe telephone 37Complaints 39Module 3 PresentationsUnit 6 Planning and getting started 44Overview 44Presentatiotechnique and preparatio44The audience 46Structure (1) The introductio47Unit 7 Image, impact and making animpressio51Overview 51Using visual aids: general principles 51Talking about the content of visual aids 52Describing change 56Unit 8 The middle of the presentatio59Overview 59Holding the audience’s attentio59Structure (2) The maibody 60Listing informatio60Linking ideas 62Sequencing 63Unit 9 The end is near … this is the end 66Overview 66Structure (3) The end 66Summarizing and concluding 67Questions and discussio68Module 4 MeetingsUnit 10 Making meetings effective 75Overview 75What makes a good meeting? 75Chairing a meeting 77Establishing the purpose of a meeting 79Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt, but … 84Overview 84The structure of decisiomaking 84Stating and asking for opinio85Interrupting and handling interruptions 86Unit 12 What do you meaby … ? 92Overview 92Asking for and giving clarificatio92Delaying decisions 94Ending the meeting 95Module 5 NegotiationsUnit 13 Know what you want 99Overview 99Types of negotiatio100Preparatiofor a negotiatio101Making aopening statement 103Unit 14 Getting what you ca106Overview 106Bargaining and making concessions 106Accepting and confirming 108Summarizing and looking ahead 110Unit 15 Not getting what you don’t want 113Overview 113Types of negotiator 113Dealing with conflict 113Rejecting 116Ending the negotiatio118Optional case studies 120 作者介绍 西蒙•斯威尼是英国商务英语教学专家,具有多年的教学和写作经验。其编写的商务英语教材理论联系实际,实践性极强,深受广大师生和商务英语读者的好评。 序言