目录 导读Introduction: Luther’s Challenge to Theology Today PART I The Task of Theology 1. DisputatioAgainst Scholastic Theology (1517) 2. The Ninety-Five Theses (1517) 3. Heidelberg Disputatio(1518) 4. ConfessioConcerning Christ’s Supper—Part III (1528) 5. Preface to the Wittenberg Editioof Luther’s GermaWritings (1539) PART II The Power of the Word of God6. “Concerning the Letter and the Spirit” from Answer to the Hyperchristian, Hyperspiritual, and Hyperlearned Book by Goat Emser iLeipzig (1521) 7. A Brief InstructiooWhat to Look for and Expect ithe Gospels (1521) 8. Preface to the New Testament (1522, revised 1546) 9. Preface to the Old Testament (1523, revised 1545) 10. How Christians Should Regard Moses (1525) PART III The Righteousness of God iChrist11. Two Kinds of Righteousness (1519) 12. A MeditatiooChrist’s Passio(1519) 13. The Bondage of the Will—Introduction, Part VI, and Conclusio(1525) 14. Sermoothe Afternooof Christmas Day (1530) PART IV The Promise of the Sacraments15. The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body and Blood of Christ, and the Brotherhoods (1519) 16. The BabyloniaCaptivity of the Church—Part I (1520) 17. The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics (1526) 18. Concerning Rebaptism (1528) 19. ConfessioConcerning Christ’s Supper—from Part I (1528) PART V The Reform of the Church 20. Eight Sermons at Wittenberg (1522) 21. Concerning the Order of Public Worship (1523) 22. AOrder of Mass and Communiofor the Church at Wittenberg (1523) 23. The Small Catechism (1529) 24. The Smalcald Articles (1537) 25. Othe Councils and the Church—Part III (1539) PART VI Living and Dying as a Christian26. The Freedom of a Christia(1520)27. A Sermoothe Estate of Marriage (1519)28. A SermooPreparing to Die (1519) 29. Temporal Authority: To What Extent It Should Be Obeyed (1523) 30. To the Councilmeof all Cities iGermany That They Establish and MaintaiChristiaSchools (1524)31. Whether One May Flee from a Deadly Plague (1527)术语汇编与简释 作者介绍