名称:The Book of Floating 作者:Michael 品相:九品 出版时间:2003-10 装订:平装 ISBN:9780895561183 开本:32开 出版社:Gateways Books and Tapes 页数:272页
商品描述: 内容简介 · · · · · ·This is the quintessential book on floating and the uses of the floatation tank. Hutchison has done extensive research, and he summarises the information on floating as an aid to health and relaxation, as used for visualisation in various professions including law, the arts, and professional sports, as used to break addictions, and so on. A new chapter for this edition tells the author's own story of a miraculous recovery from complete paralysis through his own application of the principles of floating, meditation, and concentration of will.