The spell of rain, gulls, a foggy morning, the excitement ofsailing, the quiet of the night, the sudden terror of a hurricane,and the peace of a Maine island as a family packs up to leave areshown in poetic language and vibrant, evocative pictures. 站在海岸边的礁石上放眼观赏天海一色的景致,在浓雾的早晨倾听树林里的鸟叫声;繁星满天的夜里感受水上划船的静谧,停电的台风夜里听妈妈说故事。这都是罗勃·麦罗斯基一家人在缅因州小岛上的家里,真实的居家生活。
Lisi Harrison was the Senior Director of Production Developmentat MTV, Music Television, and was responsible for creating anddeveloping original programming for air on MTV. She also served asHead Writer for MTV Production and before that had her own columnin Jane Magazine.
Lisi lives in Laguna Beach, California,and is currently working on her eleventh Clique novel,coming in July 2009.