基本信息 书名:上海:海与城的交融 定价:88.00元 作者:上海中国航海博物馆 出版社:上海古籍出版社 出版日期:2012-12-01 ISBN:9787532566969 字数:360000 页码:289 版次:1 装帧:精装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 《上海:海与城的交融》由上海古籍出版社出版。 内容提要 本书是上海中国航海博物馆学术研究部于2012年8月23~24日举办的"上海:海与城的交融"第三届国际学术研讨会的会议论文集,是《航海:文明之迹》的姊妹篇,与会者主要是在上海港口史、上海航运史、上海港口城市史等相关领域有深入研究的专家学者。 目录 序 Preface 上海市轮船商业同业公会的变迁及其档案 Evolution of the Shipowner Association of Shanghai and Its Records 董婷婷/Dong Tingting 上海—西雅图跨越太平洋的中美门户对接 Shanghai—Seattle,China and the United States portal docking across the Pacific 樊琳/Fan Lin 清代沪闽帆船贸易与上海闽商 Galleon Trade between Shanghai——Fujian and Fujian Merchants in Shanghai during the Qing Dynasty 高红霞/Gao Honga 1930年代的水陆联运 Joint rail—and—water trarportation in 1930s 顾宇辉/Gu Yuhui 康熙三十五年上海地区的特大风暴潮及其影响 Extreme Storm Surge and Its Influence of Shanghai Area in 1696 刘炳涛/Liu Bingtao 上海的发展与繁荣靠“上海” Research of Going to Sea Strategy in Shanghai’S Development and Prosperity 陆儒德/Lu Rude 元明清三代海运漕粮制度发展轨迹和思考 Reserch on Shipping grain development of Yuan,Ming and Qing 潘君祥/Pan Junang 近代中国外商保险业研究——以于仁保险公司为考察中心 The Prel iminary Study on Foreign Irurance Industry in Early Modern China:A Case Study of Union Irurance Society of Canton 钱华/Qian Hua 比利时收藏清代制作中国船模考略 Research to the Models of Chinese junks in the collectior in Belgium 沈毅敏郑 明 张玉琪/Shen Yimin Zheng Ming Zhang Yuqi 明永乐宝山烽堠碑研究——宝山烽堠碑立碑600年记 Study about YongLe Period in Ming Dynasty of the Beacon—fire Tablet on Baoshan:A record of set up for 600th Anniverary of the Beacon—fire Tablet on Baoshan 时平苏月秋/Shi Ping Su Yueqiu 清代后期沙船航运业的经营 The Sand Junks of the Trarport Industry During Late Qing Dynasty 松浦章/Song Pu zhang 区位优势与自我增强——近代上海城市崛起的再探讨 Regional Advantage and Self——Strengthening:A study on Shanghai development in modern time 王列辉/Wang Liehui 产业与内港:吴淞江与近代上海城市经济社会变迁 The Industry and the Inner Harbor:Woosong River and the Social Economical Trarformation of the Modern Shanghai City 武强/Wu Qiang 《辛丑条约》与上海浚浦局 Study of Boxer Protocol and Shanghai Dredging Bureau 薛理勇/Xue Liyong 上海城市精神与全球城市目标下的国际航运文化转型 Shanghai's City Spirit and International Shipping Culture Trarformation in the Process of Building a Global City 杨权斌/Yang Quanbin 历史时期上海地区漕运研究综述与展望 Summarize and forecast of studing on water trarportation in shanghai and in history 张晓东/Zhang Xiaodong 中国近代海关之航标 Aids to Navigation of Modern China Customs 张耀华/Zhang Yaohua 再论民国初年南京临时政府抵押轮船招商局资产借款事件 Discuss once more the question of the Nanj ing Provisional Govemment was going to raise a mortgage on the property of China Merchants in the early year of the Republ ic of China 张姚俊/Zhang Yaojun 元明时期上海的海运业变迁 The Change of Shanghai Shipping Industry from Yuan to Ming 周运中/Zhou Yunzhong 作者介绍