《Agricultural Supply Chain in Ghana: Risks. Mitigation Strategies and Performance》以加纳农业供应链的风险源与风险危害程度为研究视角,通过对加纳农业供应链中潜在的供给风险进行了调查和评估,并根据工程评定以及历史记录,估算出这些风险缓急程度和参与者面对既定风险的应对能力及其对加纳农业供应链实际绩效的影响,提出了如何降低和转移加纳农业供应链风险的应对策略。《Agricultural Supply Chain in Ghana: Risks. Mitigation Strategies and Performance》基于18个研究假设,通过对加纳农业企业和农场的实地采访和面谈来收集**数据的方法开展研究。本研究对1504名长期在农业行业或农业供应链行业工作的管理人员进行了问卷调查,对回收的有效问卷回收689份进行统计与分析来验证研究假设,得出以下结论:通过合理分配稀有资源可以缓解供应链中的需求、供应、气候、物流以及基础设施相关的风险,从而改善加纳农业供应链的绩效。《Agricultural Supply Chain in Ghana: Risks. Mitigation Strategies and Performance》价值:农业在加纳经济结构中占据了重要地位,加纳靠前生产总值的38%来自农业,与农业相关的产业创造了靠前40%就业机会。鉴于其重要性,《Agricultural Supply Chain in Ghana: Risks. Mitigation Strategies and Performance》选取加纳农业供应链的风险源与风险危害程度为研究视角,运用实证研究方法,研究视角新颖。研究发现尽管有些风险在供应链中是无可避免的,如市场风险,但并非所有优选供应链相关风险都会在加纳农业供应链中得以体现,例如其他包括政治风险,气候因素引发的风险等,都不会或是很少单专享生在加纳农业供应链中。其次,当加纳面对财政风险束手无策时,基于采用规避、管控、协调和适应四步走的策略,通过供应链的管理及运作上会比较有效降低对加纳农业生产的危害,因为农业供应链的参与者或企业各自具备不同的技巧和能力,因此研究具有实际应用价值。
NYAMAH EDMOND YEBOAHDr. Nyamah Edmond Yeboah is lecturer at Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management of University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He has conducted research and teaching work for thirteen years with excellent leadership skills. His current research interests cover supply chain, risk management, agribusiness innovation, food security and rural finance. He is a Ph.D graduate from School of Management and Economics of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and now is working at University of Cape Coast, Ghana.YI FENGDr. Feng Yi is professor at School of Management and Economics of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He obtains his master degree of Industrial Management in Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and Ph.D degree in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He works at the frontier of economics and management, using quantitative and qualitative research methods in innovative management research and teaching. His research interests cover logistics management, supply chain management, e-commerce and operations management. His current work also includes comparative study between China and Africa. He has published extensively in highly rated journals including Operations Research Letters, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers & Operations Research, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.