目录 丝路夷教之华化归宿 林悟殊(1) 摩尼教“圣灵”名号考辨 芮传明(25) 中国摩尼教神谱——敦煌、霞浦、屏南文书研究 马小鹤 汪娟(43) 《赞巴斯塔书》第24章中的“法灭”故事 刘屹(65) 法献赍回佛牙事迹再考——兼论5世纪下半叶嚈哒在西域的扩张 庆昭蓉(83) 丝路南道演变与于阗“市城”的发展——10世纪前于阗诸城镇的行政管理与社会特色 殷晴(99) 漠北回鹘可汗世系问题与唐宋汉籍——怀信与保义之间 村井恭子(123) 回鹘时代的丝绸之路天山南道诸城 付马(141) 唐代帖式文书的基本性质——以敦煌吐鲁番出土文书为中心 郭桂坤(153) 旅顺博物馆藏西域古文书考察 马俊杰(167) 陈中骐及其西域著述研究 吴华峰(179) 《蒙古游牧记》史源研究 徐维焱(191) 中亚汉碑考 沙畹撰;汤超骏译(221) 李希霍芬与《中国》第一卷中的中亚——一份学术史的观察 唐晓峰(263) 1909年吐鲁番地区探险考察简报 奥登堡 撰;杨军涛 李新东译(275) 语言与族群性——广定远锡伯/满族认同的研究 甘德星(319) 《西域文史》第十三辑著译者单位及文章索引(335) 《西域文史》简介与稿约(336) Contents The End Result of Sinicization of Foreign Religions Coming along the Silk Road Lin Wushu(1) On the Title Holy Spirit of Manicheism Rui Chuanming(25) On Chinese Manichaean Pantheon: Study on Dunhuang, Xiapu and Pingnan Documents Ma Xiaohe & Wang Chuan(43) The Book of Zambasta, Candragarbha-sutra and Mahabharata: One Junction in Khotanese Buddhism Liu Yi(65) The “Buddha’s Canine Tooth” Brought by Fǎxiàn to China: A Reflection on the Respective Records and the Expansion of the Hephthalites in the Late 5th Century Ching Chao-jung(83) The Evolution of the Southern Route of the Silk Road and the Development of City:Khotan City’s Administrative and Social Characteristics before the 10th Century Yin Qing(99) The Genealogy Issue of the Uighur Kaghans and the Chinese Written Sources of the Tang and Song Periods: From Huaixin to Baoyi Murai Kyoko(123) On the Cities along the Southern Slope of the Tianshan Mountain in the Uighur Time Fu Ma(141) The Basic Characteristic of Tie in the Tang Dynasty: Focus on the Dunhuang and Turfan Documents Guo Guikun(153) Investigation on the Ancient Documents of the Western Regions Collected in the Lüshun Museum Ma Junjie(167) A Study on Chen Zhongqi and His Writings on the Western Regions Wu Huafeng(179) A Source Study of Mêng-ku Yu-mu Chi Xu Weiyan(191) Ten Chinese Inscriptions from Central Asia, According to the Estampages of Mr. Ch.-E. Bonin édouard Chavannes(tr.Tang Chaojun)(221) Central Asia Recorded in the First Volume of Richthofen’s China Tang Xiaofeng(263) Turpan Expedition of 1909 Consise Preliminary Report S.F.Oldenburg(tr.Yang Juntao & Li Xindong)(275) Language and Ethnicity: A Study of Arbun Saiin’s Sibe/Manchu Identity Formation Kam Tak-sing(319) Contributorsg(335) Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions(336)