序一:在中英合拍纪录片《孔子》全球上线新闻发布会上的致辞 Preface Ⅰ:Address at the Global Press Conference for the Co-produced Documentary Confucius 序二:孔子就在我们身边 Preface Ⅱ:The Confucius Who Is Just Around Us 孔了其人CONFUCIUS 传说THE LEGEND 哲学THE PHILOSOPHY 至圣先师THE GREAT SAGE & MASTER 传承A LIVING GOD 当今THE MODERN WORLD 附录一:摄制组名单 Appendix Ⅰ:Crew List 附录二:主创人员简介 Appendix Ⅱ:Main Crew Members 附录三:中外专家点评纪录片 Appendix Ⅲ:Experts' Comments on Confucius 附录四:学者评论 Appendix Ⅳ:Scholars' Comments 附录五:孔子“和而不同”的思想指导我创作纪录片《孔子》 Appendix Ⅴ:Application of the Confucian Concept of ‘Harmony in Diversity' in the Production of Confucius 后记 Afterword