关联模板【结束】节点,请勿手动操作节点内的内 容! !! 基本信息书名:ComputerCultureFoundation计算机文化基础:45元作者:李莹 编著出版社:北京航空航天大学出版社出版日期:2012-09-01ISBN:9787512408999字数:297000页码:204版次:1装帧:平装开本:16开商品重量:编辑推荐 This book has four chapters: Chapter 1is basic knowledge of computer. It mainly introduces the basicprinciples of computer and hardware and software systems. Chapter 2is operating system. It mainly introduces basic operation andpractical skills on Windows XP. Chapter 3 is Microsoft Office 2003.It introduces standard operation and techniques of document layoutin Word, and focuses on the implementation of typesetting papers.It also introduces application of Excel, including data formats,formulas and functions, and pays attention to data management andanalysis. Finally, it introduces presentation production, teachinghow to create, beautify, insert and edit the slides systematically,and focuses on animation. Chapter 4 is computer networks. 目录 暂无相关内容 暂无相关内容 内容提要 This book includes 4 chapte. They arebasic knowledge of computer, introduction of operating system,Microsoft Office 2003 and computer networks. This book focuses onbasic computer concepts, basic principles, basic knowledge andbasic application methods of computer. According to the book,students can have a clear undetanding of computer. This book canserve as computer hased English teaching materials for univeityundergraduate and postgraduate students and international studentsof all majo. It is also applied to other reade with a certainstandard tutorial of English for self-study and reference. 文摘 暂无相关内容 暂无相关内容 作者介绍 暂无相关内容