task three mon equipment and measuring tools for the fitter
task four cognition of dimensional tolerance
task five processing skills of simple parts
questions for review
module two parts processing operation
task one marking
task two sawing
task three filing
task four hole machining
task five thread machining
questions for review
module three simple mechanical assembly
task one assembly of fixed connection
task two assembly of belt drive mechanism
task three assembly of chain drive mechanism
task four assembly of gear drive mechanism
thi book i piled in accordance with the requirement of national vocational kill tandard for fitter (elementary) in term of primary theoretical knowledge and related kill and baed on the actual ituation of lancangmekong vocational education training center. the book mainly include baic knowledge of fitter part proceing operation imple mechanical aembly mechanical equipment teting and debugging etc. a a upporting textbook for lancangmekong vocational education training center thi book i deigned bilingually in both chinee and englih for dometic reader who are eeking for profeional englih a well a overea reader for their kill training or elftudy. thi book can be ued a a textbook for mechatronic numerical control technology and other related major in applicationoriented undergraduate or higher vocational college and can alo be ued a a reference book or kill training book for related technical peronnel.