part ⅰ 课程主体 unit 1 the chromatic scale notation of chromatic scales unit 2 intervals(ⅰ)intervals within an octave major,minor,augmented and diminished intervals unit 3 intervals(ⅱ)transition pound intervals unit 4 triads chord notation in jazz unit 5 chords symbols of chords unit 6 cadences gal cadence unit 7 melody phrase unit 8 harmony(ⅱ) concords and discords(ⅰ) unit 9 harmony(ⅱ) concords and discords (ⅱ) unit 10 rhythm 20th-centurys rhythm unit 11 key,tonality dynamics unit 12 instruments of the orchestra(ⅰ) instruments of the orchestra(ⅱ) unit 13 non-harmony notes(ⅰ) suspension: unit 14 non-harmony notes(ⅱ) pedal point unit 15 counterpoint canon unit 16 extensions of the triad dominant 9th1lth13th unit 17 modulmion other ways of modulation unit 18 chromatic chords(ⅰ) altered chords unit 19 chromatic chords(ⅱ)the diminished seventh the neapolitan sixth unit 20 chromatic chords(ⅲ)the augmented sixth harmonic sequences 附录一 数字在音乐中的一般用法 附录二 专业术语、人名与曲名的翻译简介 附录三 专业术语、人名与曲名翻译的几个问题 part ⅱ 短文阅读 1 motifs 2 chamber music 3 bachfugue in c minor 4 beethovens symphony no5 5 ravelpiano concerto in g najor 6 tchaikovskypiano works 7 rakhmaninovs works(ⅰ) 8 rakhmaninovs works(ⅱ) 9 rakhmaninovs works(ⅲ) 10 ren guang and fishermens song part ⅲ 短文翻译练 1 melody and theme in voice 2 before the tonal period (ⅰ) 3 before the tonal period (ⅱ) 4 some modern development 5 the twelve-note method 6 charles ives(i) 7 charles ives(ii) 8 twentieth-century rhythmic idioms 英汉翻译基本练参 课程主体参译文 短文阅读参译文 短文翻译练参译文 本书编写主要参资料 音乐专业英汉翻译常用工具书 本书音乐英语词汇表