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作者Jane Austen(简·奥斯汀) 著
出版社Oversea Publishing House
This Wordsworth Edition includes an Introduction and Notes by Elaine Jordan, Reader in Literature, University of Essex. What does persuasion mean - a firm belief, or the action of persuading someone to think something else? Anne Elliot is one of Austen's quietest heroines, but also one of the strongest and the most open to change. She lives at the time of the Napoleonic wars, a time of accident, adventure, the making of new fortunes and alliances. A woman of no importance, she manoeuvres in her restricted circumstances as her long-time love Captain Wentworth did in the wars. Even though she is nearly thirty, well past the sell-by bloom of youth, Austen makes her win out for herself and for others like herself, in a regenerated society.
女主人公Anne在19岁的时候爱上了一文不名的男主人公Wentworth,但是他们的婚姻遭到Anne的父亲(一位挥霍无度的大地主)和Lady Russell(像母亲一样照顾Anne长大)的反对。Anne听从了他们的劝导,放弃了这段感情。但是在其后的十年内,她一直无法忘记Wentworth,失败的爱情也使她过早的失去了青春美貌。十年之后,Wentworth先生功成名就,而Anne的父亲却因为经济拮据而不得不将自己的庄园租给了Wentworth先生的朋友。两人再次见面时,Anne成了嫁不出去的老姑娘,Wentworth先生却有很多年轻美貌的小姐围绕着、盼望着能够得到他的青睐。不过这个故事的结局我想大家都可以猜到,我们的Anne小姐最后还是和Wentworth先生再次坠入情网,又一个奥斯丁式的happy ending。
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