沃尔特·鲁丁(Walter Rudin) 1953年于杜克大学获得数学博士学位。曾先后执教于麻省理工学院、罗切斯特大学、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校、耶鲁大学等。他的主要研究兴趣集中在调和分析和复变函数上。除本书外,他还著有《Functional Analysis》(泛函分析)和《Principles of Mathematical Analysis》(数学分析原理)等其他名著。这些教材已被翻译成十几种语言,在世界各地广泛使用。
preface prologue: the exponential function chapter 1 abstract integration set-theoretic notations and terminology the concept of measurability simple functions elementary properties of measures arithmetic in [0, ∞] integration of itive functions integration of plex functions the role yed by sets of measure zero exercises chapter 2 itive borel measures vector spaces topological preliminaries the riesz representation theorem regularity properties of borei measures lebesgue measure continuity properties of measurable functions exercises chapter 3 lp-spaces convex functions and inequalities the lp-spaces appromation by continuous functions exercises chapter 4 elementary hilbert space theory inner products and linear functionals orthonormal sets trigonometric series exercises chapter 5 examples of banach space techniques banach spaces consequences of baires theorem fourier series of continuous functions fourier coefficients of l1-functions the hahn-banach theorem an abstract approach to the poisson integral exercises chapter 6 plex measures total variation absolute continuity consequences of the radon-nikodym theorem bounded linear functionals on lp the riesz representation theorem exercises chapter 7 differentiation derivatives of measures the fundamental theorem of calculus differentiable transformations exercises chapter 8 integration on product spaces measurability on cartesian products product measures the fubini theorem pletion of product measures convolutions distribution functions exercises chapter 9 fourier transforms formal properties the inversion theorem the ncherel theorem the banach algebra lt exercises chapter 10 elementary properties of holomorphic functions plex differentiation integration over paths the local cauchy theorem the power series representation the open mapping theorem the global cauchy theorem the calculus of residues exercises chapter 11 harmonic functions the cauchy-riemann equations the poisson integral the mean value property boundary behavior of poisson integrals representation theorems exercises chapter 12 the mamum modulus principle introduction the schwarz lemma the phragrnen-lindelof method an interpolation theorem a converse of the mamum modulus theorem exercises chapter 13 appromation by rational functions preparation runges theorem the mittag-leffler theorem simply connected regions exercises chapter 14 conformal mapping preservation of angles linear fractional transformations normal families the riemann mapping theorem the class y continuity at the boundary conformal mapping of an annulus exercises chapter 15 zeros of holomorphic functions infinite products the weierstrass factorization theorem an interpolation problem jensens formula blaschke products the miintz-szasz theorem exercises chapter 16 analytic continuation regular points and singular points continuation along curves the monodromy theorem construction of a modular function the picard theorem exercises chapter 17 hp-spaces subharmonic functions the spaces hp and n the theorem of f. and m. riesz factorization theorems the shift operator conjugate functions exercises chapter 18 elementary theory of banach algebras introduction the invertible elements ideals and homomorphisms applications exercises chapter 19 holomorphic fourier transforms introduction two theorems of paley and wiener quasi-analytic classes the denjoy-carleman theorem exercises chapter 20 uniform appromation by polynomials introduction some lemmas mergelyans theorem exercises appendix: hausdorffs mamality theorem notes and ments bibliography list of spe symbols index