unit 1 knitting basic structure and fabric analysis/针织基本组织的认识与分析 lesson 1 raw materials for knitting/针织用原料 part 1 mon textile fibers/常用纺织纤维 part 2 new type fibers/新型纤维 part 3 yarn/纱线 lesson 2 the mon knitted structure/常用针织物组织 part 1 the knitted fabric structure/针织物基本结构 part 2 the weft knitted structure/纬编组织 part 3 the warp knitted structure/经编组织 lesson 3 the analysis for weft knitted fabrics/纬编针织物分析 part 1 the basic s 形成织物组织的基本结构形式 part 2 method for the fabric analysis/织物分析方法 part 3 procedure for the fabric analysis/织物分析的步骤 unit 2 knitting machine structure and its adjustment〖〗针织机结构认识与调节 lesson 1 main parts of knitting machine /针织机结构及机件 part 1 knitting machine structure/针织机结构 part 2 knitting machine parts/针织机机件 lesson 2 knitting action/成圈过程 part 1 the knitting action of the single jersey latch needle machine/单面舌针机成圈过程 part 2 the knitting action of the circular rib machine/圆型罗纹机成圈过程 part 3 the knitting cycle of the bearded needle tricot machine/钩针特里科经编机成圈过程 part 4 the knitting action of the single needle bar raschel machine/单针床拉舍尔经编机成圈过程 part 5 the knitting action of the pound nee knitting machine/复合经编机成圈过程 lesson 3 specifications and parameter of machine/针织机规格及参数 part 1 flat knitting machine/横机 part 2 body size circular?knitting machine/计件衣坯圆型针织机 part 3 circular knitting machine/圆型针织机 part 4 hosiery machine/织袜机 part 5 warp knitting machine/经编机 lesson 4 adjustments for circular knitting machine/圆型针织机的调节 part 1 adjustments for the elements/机件的调节 part 2 sequence of machine conversion/机器转换的步骤 part 3 final machine adjustment/机器的后调节 lesson 5 new knitting technology/针织新技术 part 1 the modern circular knitting machine/现代圆型针织机 part 2 automatic toe closing on hosiery 在针织机上 袜头的自动缝合 part 3 the “seamless” knitting machine/无缝适体服装针织机 part 4 the development of raschel lace/拉舍尔花边的开发 part 5 the puterized flat?bed machine/电脑横机 unit 3 work sheet工艺单 lesson 1 work sheet for knitting fabric/针织布工艺单 part 1 drawing of elements of knitted structures/针织物结构的表示 part 2 2?colour?terry?jacquard with 1∶ 地纱1隔1垫纱的2毛圈提花织物 part 3 3∶1 fleece staggered fabric/3∶1位移式衬垫织物 lesson 2 work sheet for sweater/羊毛衫工艺单 part 1 long?sleeved sweater with cable/绞花长袖衫 part 2 short?sleeved cardigan with ajour pattern/网眼短袖衫 lesson 3 work sheet for cut?and?sew knitted clothing/针织服装工艺单 part 1 t?shirt/t恤 part 2 house wear/家居服 unit 4 quality control and inspection report〖〗质量控制与检验报表的制定 lesson 1 faults and its causes in circular 圆型编织中的疵点及产生原因 part 1 faults and its causes/疵点及产生原因 part 2 figures and causes of faults/疵点的形状及产生原因 lesson 2 the quality inspection standard/质量检验标准 part 1 the inspection of knitted fabrics/针织物质量检验 part 2 the inspection of knitted garments/服装质量检验 lesson 3 the inspection content/检验内容 part 1 physical tests/物理测试 part 2 chemical tests/化学测试 part 3 visible tests/外观检测 part 4 ecological and safety parameters/生态安全参数 lesson 4 symbols to be used/服装使用标识 part 1 description of the symbols/标识的描述 part 2 meaning of the symbols/标识的意义 lesson 5 working sheet for inspection report/检验报告单 part 1 inspection report for hat/帽子的检验报告 part 2 general textile test requisition form/纺织品普通测试申请表 unit 5 knitting trade practice〖〗针织贸易实务 lesson 1 the main points for writing business 信函的写作要点 part 1 essential principles of writing business 信函写作的基本特点 part 2 layout & writing styles of english business 信函的格式与写作风格 part 3 the writing and essential qualities o 邮件的写作及要点 lesson 2 the export trade management for knitte 针织物出贸易管理 part 1 the process of the export trade manage/出贸易管理过程 part 2 the sample for enquiry, offer, counter?offer and a 询盘、发盘、还盘和接受书写范例 lesson 3 trade documents/外贸文件 part 1 sales contract/销售合同 part 2 letter of credit/信用证 part 3 packing list/装箱单 lesson 4 production order/生产订单 part 1 suit of knitted hat and scarf/针织帽子和围巾套装 part 2 baseball cap/棒球帽 unit 6 knitting news〖〗针织快讯 part 1 foshan released its textile federation standard/佛山颁布其纺织联盟标准 part 2 karl mayer at itm texpo eurasia/卡尔?迈耶参加itm texpo eu part 3 fine gauge high speed circular knitting 细机号高速针织大圆机 patr 4smooth, seamless and ladder proof/光滑、无缝、不抽丝 part 5 knitting design attracts attention/针织设计吸引众人眼球 part 6performance stable, export unit pri 运行绩效良好出单价上升 appendix vocabulary〖〗词汇表 part 1 material/原料 part 2 fabric/织物 part 3 product/产品 part 4 inspection/检验 part 5 equipment/设备 part 6trade/贸易 part 7abbreviation/缩写 version 参译文 参文献