专题一 美国大选 bbc news 1 统会解决的预算赤字 1 president obama will tackle the countrys budget deficit 4 bbc news 2 乔恩·亨茨曼退出竞选 7 jon huntsman dropped out of race 9 bbc news 3 德州州长退出竞选 12 texas governor ruled out of race 14 bbc news 4 统提名候选人桑托勒姆将退出竞选 17 republican party candidate santorum is to drop out of race 19 bbc news 5 统在俄亥俄州举行竞选集会 22 president obama launched campaign in ohio 24 听力 1 合理预测,事半功倍 27 专题二 国际热点 bbc news 1 伊朗海军进行导弹试验 28 irans naval forces carried out missile test 31 bbc news 2 伊朗称不会扰乱霍尔木兹海峡的海运 33 iran is not to disrupt shipping in the strait of hormuz 35 bbc news 3 尼利亚取消燃油补贴 38 nigeria removed government subsidies on fuel 40 bbc news 4 尼利亚可能爆发内战 43 nigeria on brink of civil war 45 bbc news 5 英国首相担忧苏格兰未来 48 uk prime minister concerns about scotlands future 50 听力 2 利用规则,准确辨音 52 专题三 暴力 bbc news 1 埃及安队突袭亲组织 53 egyptian security forces raided offices of pro-democracy grou 55 bbc news 2 土耳其战机突袭伊拉克北部 58 turkish warnes attacked northern iraq 60 bbc news 3 尼利亚遭袭击 63 bomb attacks in nigeria 65 bbc news 4 南苏丹种族 68 inter-ethnic clashes in south sudan 71 bbc news 5 伊拉克发生式爆炸 73 suicide bombing in iraq 75 听力 3 正确书写,不留遗憾 77 专题四 财经视点 bbc news 1 国际货币组织寻找额外资金 78 imf exploring extra money 81 bbc news 2 法国失去aaa信用 83 france lost aaa credit rating 85 bbc news 3 《福布斯》富豪排行榜 88 forbes annual rich list 90 bbc news 4 救助希腊资金有望达成协议 93 agreement on bailout of greek economy to be made 95 bbc news 5 欧元区危机 98 finan crises affecting eurozone nations 100 听力 4 照搬同义,灵活处理 103 专题五 法律聚焦 bbc news 1 瑞士银行行长涉嫌交易 104 president of swiss national bank suspected insider tra 107 bbc news 2 美国提起针对苹果的反垄断案 109 us filed anti-trust case against apple 111 bbc news 3 美国士兵涉嫌泄露机密 114 us soldier accused of leaking state secrets 116 bbc news 4 英国面临侵犯美国版权的指控 119 british student facing allegations of us copyright infringement 121 bbc news 5 维基网将关闭其英文网页24小时 124 online wikipedia nning 24-hour shutdown for its english language version 126 听力 5 预读选项,把握主动 129 专题六 事故现场 bbc news 1 游轮在意大利西海岸触礁 130 cruise ship runs aground on west coast of italy 132 bbc news 2 意大利游轮船长接受审讯 135 italy cruise shi captain being questioned 137 bbc news 3 意大利游轮触礁11人遇难 140 eleven people killed in italy cruise ship accident 142 bbc news 4 遇难游轮另现8具遗体 145 eight more bodies found inside submerged cruise ship 147 bbc news 5 一艘游轮在菲律宾附近起火 149 cruise liner on fire near philippines 151 听力 6 预测要点,有的放矢 153 专题七 科技前沿 bbc news 1 科学家发现蝗虫大量聚集的原因 154 scientists find why insects gather in vast numbers 157 bbc news 2 俄罗斯南极探险 160 russian exploration in antarctica 162 bbc news 3 禽流感新研究在安全评估之前被禁止公布内容 165 publication of bird flu new research is forbidden before safety evaluation 167 bbc news 4 大猩猩基因图谱 170 geic blueprint of gorilla 172 bbc news 5 英科学家称育出世界首批抗禽流感转基因鸡 175 british scientists say theyve created worlds first geically modified chickens that dont spread bird flu 177 听力 7 做好,如虎添翼 180 专题八 在线 bbc news 1 一位艺术史学家称在寻找达·芬奇的失传名作 181 an art historian says hes on trail of a lost masterpiece by leonardo da vinci 184 bbc news 2 古巴将耶稣受难设为公共节 186 cuba marks good friday with public holiday for first time 188 bbc news 3 古学家们称挖掘出伊丽莎白时期剧院遗址 191 archeologists say theyve unearthed remains of elizabethan theater 193 bbc news 4 英国举行女王登基60周年钻石庆典 196 britain celebrates diamond jubilee of queens reign 198 bbc news 5 美国谴责诋毁的影片 201 the us protests against the controversial anti-islam film 204 听力 8 遇到细节,直接选择 207 专题九 天气环境 bbc news 1 北欧严寒气候导致俄罗斯燃料供应短缺 208 northern europe freezing arctic weather leads to shortage of russian fuel supplies 210 bbc news 2 欧洲大部继续遭受严寒和大雪 213 much of europe continues to suffer from freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall 215 bbc news 3 意大利储存应对严寒 217 italian conserves gas supplies to cope with bitterly cold weather 219 bbc news 4 斯里兰卡洪水殃及约百万人 221 about a million people affected in sri lanka 224 bbc news 5 恶劣天气造成北爱尔兰数万家庭及企业停水 226 no water for thousands of homes and businesses in northern ireland due to bad weather 228 听力 9 把握脉络,巧解主旨 231 专题十 万花筒 bbc news 1 摄影记者伊芙·阿诺德去世 232 photojournalist eve arnold dies 235 bbc news 2 冰封百余年的苏格兰威士忌从南极“回家” 237 over 100-year old scotch whisky go home from antarctica 239 bbc news 3 赤道几内亚统之子生活奢华 242 son of equatorial guinea president has lavish lifestyle 244 bbc news 4 波兰寻求外国足球流氓名单 247 poland looking for list of foreign hooligans 249 bbc news 5 保时捷911的设计者去世 252 the designer of porsche 911 dies 254 听力 10 巧用逻辑,合理推断 257 专题十一 伦敦奥运 bbc news 1 菲尔普斯成为历的奥林匹克运动员 258 phel has bee the most decorated olympian in history 260 bbc news 2 伦敦奥运会的1天 262 day 11 of the london olympics 264 bbc news 3 美国选手瑞安·洛赫特赢得400米个人混合泳 267 the 400 meters individual medley has been won by the american swimmer ryan lochte 270 bbc news 4 伦敦残奥会开幕式以“启蒙”为主题 272 enlightenment is london paralympic games title 274 bbc news 5 美国运动员在奥运田径项目上大获全胜 277 the american athletes have had a successful day in the track at the olympic games 279 听力 11 把握规律,游刃有余 282 专题十二 文艺速读 bbc news 1 “野兽男孩”乐队成员亚当·约赫在纽约去世 283 adam yauch of the beastie boys has died in new york 285 bbc news 2 《迷魂记》成为佳影片 287 vertigo has been the best film ever made 289 bbc news 3 电影《爱》夺金棕榈奖 292 palme dor awarded to film amour 294 bbc news 4 美国作曲家马文·哈姆利奇去世 297 americans er marvin hamlisch has died 299 bbc news 5 “深紫”乐队的创始人之一琼·洛得去世 302 one of the founders of deep purple john lord has died 304 听力 12 注重积累,忌抱佛脚 307 专题十三 英伦广角 bbc news 1 伦敦银行的股价下跌了15%以上 308 shares in barclays bank closed more than 15% down in london 310 bbc 