to the uer of thi booklearning a new language i hard; living a new language however i much of the mot widely acknowledged fact in the field of language acquiition i that learn language much fater than adult. mot attribute thi dicrepancy to the fact that when “learn” a language they mainly imitate the world around them; when adult learn a language they ee the proce a the memorizing of rule. wherea learn through experiencing the world adult learn by trying to detach themelve from it. a a reult the lack of authenticity in learning make it almot iible for adult to really mater a language. our team like many expert of the field believe in the power of learning through authentic englih and in the importance of aigning reallife meaning to language acquiition. fortunately thi i a view hared by et the creator of the toefl family of tet. it i becaue of thi hared value we were able to joint our force in creating the prepedge erie an authentic toefl textbook with authentic englih language and context.however depite our hared value the creation of the erie i in no way eay. having different teaching experience the new oriental team and et team had to engage in variou debate arguing for the welfare of the uer of thi book and make tough promie in order to better uit thi book for chinee learner. looking back at thoe experience i am glad they happened a they are the reaon why i am confident in the efficacy of the prepedge erie.but why hould the uer hare our confidence?firtly thi i the firt book where et worked with tetprep teacher to create a toefl textbook. in other word thi book i written by experienced toefl teacher with the inight of the et. together our two team have been working on thi project for nearly two year and will continue our endeavor in the future. thi book i the life and oul of every member of our two grou and i definitely omething one hould ue when learning toefl.econdly thi book i a perfect blend of language acquiition and kill. not only did we make ue of traditional pedagogical knowledge and practice we alo made the bet ue of the twodecade worth of teaching experience within new oriental. thi a i believe created the perfect concoction for the betterment of chinee englih language learner epely thoe who wih to improve on the toefl tet.i will not drool on and on about how good the erie i but rather let the book peak for itelf. we the creator of thi book are confident that by the firt page you will ee how different the book i from anything you’ve ued before and bee reluctant to let go. and a the book i baed on authentic englih you will tart living the englih language through the prepedge erie a oon a you tart rea it.o enjoy. 姚宇西 北美产品经理