作者简介: Sebastian Raschka is a PhD student at Michigan State University, who develops new computational methods in the field of computational biology. He has been ranked as the number one most influential data scientist on GitHub by Analytics Vidhya. He has a yearlong experience in Python programming and he has conducted several seminars on the practical applications of data science and machine learning. Talking and writing about data science, machine learning, and Python really motivated Sebastian to write this book in order to help people develop data-driven solutions without necessarily needing to have a machine learning background. He has also actively contributed to open source projects and methods that he implemented, which are now successfully used in machine learning competitions, such as Kaggle. In his free time, he works on models for sports predictions, and if he is not in front of the computer, he enjoys playing sports. 内容简介: 本书将带你进入预测分析的世界,通过演示告诉你为什么Python是世界很好的数据科学语言之一。如果你想询问更深入的数据问题,或是想增进、拓展机器学习系统的能力,这本实用的书籍可谓是无价之宝。书中涵盖了包括 scikit-learn、Theano和Keras在内的大量功能强大的Python库,操作指南以及从情感分析到神经网络的各色小技巧,很快你就能够解答你个人及组织所面对的那些最重要的问题。 目录: Preface Chapter 1: Givin Computers the Ability to Learn from Data Building intelligent machines to transform data into knowledge The three different types of machine learning Making predictions about the future with supervised learning Classification for predicting class labels Regression for predicting continuous outcomes Solving interactive problems with reinforcement learning Discovering hidden structures with unsupervised learning Finding subgroups with clustering Dimensionality reduction for data compression An introduction to the basic terminology and notations A roadmap for building machine learning systems Preprocessing-getting data into shape Training and selecting a predictive model Evaluati ...