内容简介: 世界上总是有些人对中国有各种质疑,但我们中国人民经过70年的奋斗和探索,找到了自己成功之路,我们叫它中国特色社会主义。中国有自己的魅力,中国的经验也与西方迥然不同,中国特色社会主义有着适合中国发展的优势。本书从“中国道路”、“中国理论”、“中国制度”、“中国文化”、“中国模式”五个部分,以一个个生动的案例,用浅显朴实的语言,讲述如何看中国特色社会主义的优越性,告诉世界和海内外读者:中国为什么自信。 目录: Preface Chapter 1 China's Path: The Road to Achieving a Major Country's Prosperity The Foundations: Looking to the Soviet Union as a Lesson and Forging Our Own Path Pioneering: Blazing a Trail Going Further: A New Path of the Market Economy A New Chapter: The Ripple Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative The Prospect: Realizing the Dream of Becoming Strong Chapter 2 Chinese Theory and Its Leading Role in the Nation's Rejuvenation A Book Lights a Spark "We Can Develop a Market Economy Under Socialism" Reform Is China's Second Revolution China's Greatest Priority Is Its People Fighting for Self-Revolution Green Mountains and Clear Waters Are Invaluable Assets Chapter 3 The Chinese System: T ...